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Gorosei Informer

Its hilariously ironic how Zoro's character involves humility and sacrificing pride when necessary yet certain fans of his can't do the same.

Zoros character arc is literally about sacrifice. He almost got himself killed to try to save his beloved captain and when Sanji tried to offer himself as a sacrifice instead, Zoro knocked him out because he knows Sanji is more important to the crew as their chef naturally and has more to live for and such. Zoro didn't want to see someone else give their life in his place, thats how HUMBLE and SELFLESS he is!

His character and the Buddhist teachings he follows are all about humility, others before self, detachment of the ego, not being choked by your own pride etc.

Real Zoro fans/Zobros appareciate and understand this about him. They admire him even when he's at his weakest and most humiliated. In fact that also makes them appreciate him even MORE! Seeing a genuine, sincere man and hero struggle is far more endearing and thats also why I felt his character really flatlined post TS too but I digress.

Zoro is the definiton of a truly noble man and thats one of the reasons he and Sanji do get along and can work together because they share some of these qualities, Sanji has his own personal sense of nobility and selflessness and such ofc. Not as much as Zoro, not as indiscirminate as his maybe, but still.

Whitebeard and Katakuri kinda remind me of Zoro in their own ways tbh, Kat might even be a fusion of Sanji and Zoro to some degree too.

Speaking of Whitebeard too, he was based on the same guy as Onimaru was too!! Benkei to be specific!:

Also, Oden and his death are based on Ishikawa Goemon too!
Oden also has similar qualities to Zoro, that romanticised Samurai attitude, the Bushido honour or w/e. He was selfless/virtous and sacrificed himself to save others too. A beloved samurai hero.

Real Zoro fans dont need to constantly spam how great he is, we KNOW how great he is already and we don't need to prove it to others but for this sake, I'm just doing it to make a point in the case of a certain someone's virtue signalling behaviour with him on here for a long time.

Zoro is the definition of quietly spoken greatness. He doesn't need it shouting from the mountains, he does rather than just saying too. Hes a prover, a doer, rather than just a talker or boaster.

Oda fucked up his writing post TS massively but Zoro is Zoro and he'll still always be the Zoro we love and have known, always having that immense legacy before.

Oda gave us so much for Zoro pre TS and I'm happy with that at least, everything else is a bonus tbh. Zoro already feels very complete as a character.

Yes he does make proclamations like this too but only when its necessary, to define his goals and for the sake of others like the late Kuina who he loved and lost here too. His best friend and beloved rival at the time.
- Yamato changed his mind , now she wants to join the crew , she has deep emotional regret but is offscreened
- Momo vs Aramaki rematch , Momo wins but is offscreened , momo changed his mind he doesn't want to be shogun anymore
- Straw hats changed their mind , they want to be marines now , they meet akainu but is offscreened

Mr. Reloaded

Certified Dragon Gooner
Its hilariously ironic how Zoro's character involves humility and sacrificing pride when necessary yet certains of his can't do the same.

Zoros character arc is literally about sacrifice. He almost got himself killed to try to save his beloved captain and when Sanji tried to offer himself as a sacrifice instead, Zoro knocked him out because he knows Sanji is more important to the crew as their chef naturally and has more to live for and such. Zoro didn't want to see someone else give their life in his place, thats how HUMBLE and SELFLESS he is!

His character and the Buddhist teachings he follows are all about humility, others before self, detachment of the ego, not being choked by your own pride etc.

Real Zoro fans/Zobros appareciate and understand this about him. They admire him even when he's at his weakest and most humiliated. In fact that also makes them appreciate him even MORE! Seeing a genuine, sincere man and hero struggle is far more endearing and thats also why I felt his character really flatlined post TS too but I digress.

Zoro is the definiton of a truly noble man and thats one of the reasons he and Sanji do get along and can work together because they share some of these qualities, Sanji has his own personal sense of nobility and selflessness and such ofc. Not as much as Zoro, not as indiscirminate as his maybe, but still.

Whitebeard and Katakuri kinda remind me of Zoro in their own ways tbh, Kat might even be a fusion of Sanji and Zoro to some degree too.

Speaking of Whitebeard too, he was based on the same guy as Onimaru was too!! Benkei to be specific!:

Also, Oden and his death are based on Ishikawa Goemon too!
Oden also has similar qualities to Zoro, that romanticised Samurai attitude, the Bushido honour or w/e. He was selfless/virtous and sacrificed himself to save others too. A beloved samurai hero.
@Finalbeta :holdthisl:
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