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Law in their fight and only lost due to Law trickery.
Law's haki is stronger than Smoker's anyway, which means he could cut him like Vergo. It felt like Law was in a mood for a sword fight instead of just instantly one-shotting Smoker. But the actual reason - Oda wanted to draw a cool-choreographed fight, it would've been boring if Law just one-shotted Smoker without showing what else he can do first.
Smoker dogwalks any lobi roppo, don't be a fucking retard. He was dominating Law in their fight and only lost due to Law trickery. Against Vergo he was purposely nerfing himself as noted by Vergo himself. Smoker will always be relative to monster trio
That's the funniest thing i have read. Smoker is the definition of a jobber. He couldnt beat anyone in the whole story besides Luffy in Loguetown. And no, Law & Vergo both fodderized him.
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