
I will never forgive Oda
Sakura can very well let herself get hit and counter Ay that way. She also has Katsuyu to limit the area Ay can move in by spreading her acid. There are ways to fight an enemy that's too fast and if you have insta-heal it's especially easier as you don't need to bother dodging
Ay can chip off his extra durable limbs with a single swipe, no momentum built up. He’d cleave Sakura in half if he got a good hit on her
Cry us a river. Still one of the most mentioned characters in history even after the manga ended for years and the general appreciation for her keeps growing.
There are plenty of stupid people in the world. That still don't make her a good character.

Naruto would be 100X better if Kishi had just made Sasuke a girl and removed Sakura from the start (and it would made more sense).