
Chapter 1058: Exchange

Early spoilers thanks to Malik from TalkOP
- WG and navy leaders discuss about new emperors.
- Several bounties are presented: Zoro’s bounty is the only one above 1 billion berries (1,16 billions). Buggy has over 2,5 billions bounty. Mihawk under the two billions. Other bounties are shown as well.
- Cut to the Thousand Sunny. The crew is fooling around and relaxing until they see a boat.
- Apparently Vivi is on the boat, but soon after she gets onboard of the Sunny Nami recognise her disguise (she is the only one among strawhats who was able to see through the disguise)
- Katarina Devon shows her real face and tell Luffy that a certain person is itching to call him. She then calls BB with a Den-Den Mushi.
- Blackbeard directly speaks with Luffy. He says he could never imagine that he had another brother other than Ace, and this is the biggest gift fate gave him.
- He then proposes Luffy an exchange: the lives of “Flame Emperor” Sabo and “Alabasta Princess” Vivi in exchange for the copies of the poneglyphs currently held by Strawhats.
- Blackbeard concludes the call telling Strawhats to let Katarina come back free and meet him and his captains the next morning where his pops and ace were buried.
- Luffy accepts to meet Blackbeard.

Break next week
Fake spoilers :finally:
Here's mine :madmonk:

Two Piece Chapter 1058 Spoilers
Thanks to the 5th yonko from reddit
Title: The 10th
-The chapter starts of with the crew sailing towards the next island
-We see a Zoro and Sanji gag fight over their bounties
-Nami notices a crate moving on board the ship
-In an amazing double page spread we see Vivi bursting from the crate
- Luffy is very suprised and wonders when did Vii sneak on board
- The rest of the crews bounties are not shown (Wait for Vivre Cards)
- Oden's bounty was 6 billion (More Oden wank)
- At the end of the chapter we see BB invading Marejois to reclaim something
Weevil was attacked by tashigi and smoker. Smoker was the one that led the attack. Weevil managed to escape.

Momonga leads the charge against boa but losses. He is saved by coby and helmepo who are focused upon in the newspaper as the ones to push boa and her amazons from amazon lilly. Boa escapes barely but her sisters are captured.

Scene switches to Blackbeard reading the newspaper and is excited at luffy being a yonko. Blackbeard: "i have now obtained the thing that will cause pure destruction. Thank you...... Mugiwara"

Scene shifts to Nami as she is the one that reads the bounties from the news paper.

Zoro is the only one other than luffy to also have a bounty over a billion. 1.35billion to be exact.

Sanji ends up getting 836million

Jinbe 720 million

Brook 350 million
Nami 400 million (zeus)
Chopper 5000
Robin 665 million
Franky 415 million

We then cut to sabo and where they are at are at currently. They are in dressrosa. They were sent there using kumas ability. Sabo is fine but morley is severely injured. However he is being healed by the tontatas.

Rebecca is shocked to see vivi again

Chapter ends with vivi finding out who is the one destined to wield pluton. As this is stated the ending scene pans back to nami looking at her compass. Chapter ends
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