
Magic Sword, Magic Swordsman, and Can Cut Anything
1- You think BB kept his Yonko position with 2.2 billion vs. Kid's 3 billion? :gokulaugh:

2- Mihawk is a famous pirate 12 years before, BB only become famous 2 years before.

+12 years : 3 billion
2 years : 2.2 billion + more

Blackbeard stomped as usual.
Start to pray than Mihawk won't kill BB:suresure:


Lazy is the way
Mihawk, a loner, & Crocodile, a schemer, joining Buggy might work similarily but why should the bounties go up when it didnt for Kaido & Big Mom?
Because for Kaido and Bm it was just known and the new bounties weren’t released. If they had won against the SN I bet their bounties would have rised up.

Here we have the new bounties, a week after all the events and Mihawk / Croco etc new alliance is likely included