Powers & Abilities Killer uses poisonous blades(Zoro vs Killer analysis)

So in regards the scene of Zoro vs Killer and Gyukimaru, there has been a lot of contention over the fact that Zoro was supposedly "1 shot" by killer. With some zoro fans going as far as to say that Zoro wasn't 1 shot by killer, that he was hungry, or that he was poisoned by Wano's toxic food, or that he simply chose to pass out because he gave up on reclaiming his sword(lol).

While imo most of these arguments are irrational, I think it is very logical to find issue with what happened in that fight. After all, zoro has shown so many insane endurance feats pre-skip that to fall from attack like that just seems, inconsistent. And it does seem inconsistent. However I think it is completely irrational to say that Zoro didn't pass out from his injury.

When a person is injured and they pass out, the automatic conclusion is that the injury caused the person to pass out. Unless EXPLICITLY STATED we shouldn't believe otherwise. Oda loves Zoro; if he wanted to show that Zoro passed out via some other reasons, he would have flat out have zoro state it. But no, Zoro never mentions that he was hungry or some bullshit. So what happened then?

After he takes out killer, Zoro doesn't immediately pass out. He stands around for a bit, but then something happens and we see a speech bubble that looks like its pointing towards Zoro's body(rather than his mouth). In the official translation, the speech bubble reads something to the sort of "glurrgh". As many people have noted, this was the same sound effect used when Luffy was starving in WCI and I've heard people use this to make the argument that Zoro fainted due to being poisoned by Wano's poisonous animals.

This doesn't make sense as Zoro was in wano the entirety of the WCI arc and it makes no sense for the poison to just now take effect. That is, if the poison came from the food.

But if you look at the above panel, poison would really explain what happens. It would explain why zoro passed out despite taking far worst injuries in previous fights, and it would explain why Zoro's fainting was somewhat sudden and delayed from his injury.

I think it makes much more sense for Killer to wield poisoned blades and for him to have poisoned zoro in the fight. In addition to clearing up what would otherwise be an inconsistency in the manga, this would also give Killer a little bit of much needed hype. He doesn't have much going for him and his altercation with Zoro has created the impression in many people's minds that he is one of the weakest supernova.

anyways this is just my analysis of this scene which I see being talked about and mentioned quite frequently on the forums. Feel free to leave your own thoughts.
People really hate Killer ain't a fodder. They search for explanations to justify shitting on him.
Yes they can’t stand zoro not being as strong as they thought and killer not being as weak as they thought compared to zoro. When he himself calls a nerfed killer strong yet you see shit like this downplaying him. You’d have to wonder if these people aren’t self inserting themselves into the character and what he should think and say.

Zoro got knockout by Killer. That's it:kayneshrug:No hunger or poison shit here.
And once again.

The following post proves why Zoro fell. It was a combination of several different factors.

The "Zoro was one shot and/or fainted from Killer attack" BS is officially over. Yes, I know that argument has being destroyed time and time again but there's nothing wrong with bringing more facts to destroy the argument. Especially, when there are certain people who continue to make that BS claim.

Aofiji on YouTube created a video of Zoro vs Killer.

In the video, he clearly explains, using facts that are supported by the manga, that Zoro fell mainly from stomach problems (starvation and/or food poisoning). Without his stomach problems Zoro would have never fell. Killer never one shot Zoro. Zoro's endurance and stamina didn't drop or decrease over the time skip. It's equal to his pre time skip if not greater.

Aofiji even shows how the noise Zoro's stomach makes is identical to the noise Luffy's stomach made when he passed out/fainted on WCI in chapter 855. He was comparing the uncut raw translation. That is new because I don't remember seeing anybody make that comparison.

Zoro's greatness continues.

@Monkey D Theories

Kawamatsu is a poisonous fish fishman :yasu:

That's why he can feed on poison.

Lulffy almost died because he ate a poisonous fish

Lulffy passing out in WCI due to hunger and the kanji used for Zoro's situation are the same