Powers & Abilities Swordsman and haki user two different things.


World's Strongest Swordsman
Show me when It Is said Is the opposite.
Again, It's only assumptions.
We know Mihawk surpasses Shanks in that regard, swordsmaship, we dunno about the rest or overall but CoC haki wise Shanks seem to be hyped as his forte so in that regard at least he should be above Mihawk Who didn't even display CoC yet.
Mihawk said he'd teach zoro THE WAY OF THE SWORD he taught him haki.
That alone shows you are talking utter shit.
Shanks's hype is all around Conquerors, Mihawk having a black blade puts his CoA on top of Shanks
So Mihawk surpasses Shanks in swordsmanship, CoA, and likely CoO because of his eyes
Mihawk > Shanks, arguing only Conquerors is retarded, because Luffy didnt need only conquerors to beat Kaido
This could be the case, I am Just trying to tell that this chapter didn't confirm who's stronger overall, but Just that Mihawk surpasses him swordsmaship.
If you think Mihawk has better COO and COA and all other stats so he's overall stronger that's your opinion, for now we don't know who's overall stronger, we know Shanks' has insane CoC and Mihawk has best swordsmaship Better than Red Hair.
Show me when It Is said Is the opposite.
Again, It's only assumptions.
We know Mihawk surpasses Shanks in that regard, swordsmaship, we dunno about the rest or overall but CoC haki wise Shanks seem to be hyped as his forte so in that regard at least he should be above Mihawk Who didn't even display CoC yet.
I just said you. Black blade confirms that CoA Mihawk > Shanks. That's facts, not headcannon thing that Shanks is a superior Hakiman to Mihawk.
This could be the case, I am Just trying to tell that this chapter didn't confirm who's stronger overall, but Just that Mihawk surpasses him swordsmaship.
If you think Mihawk has better COO and COA and all other stats so he's overall stronger that's your opinion, for now we don't know who's overall stronger, we know Shanks' has insane CoC and Mihawk has best swordsmaship Better than Red Hair.
The best Shanks fans can get from Oda is them being equals, because not a single panel or VC states that Shanks is better than Mihawk in anything, on top of it Mihawk also surpasses Shanks in physique because he has more arms than Shanks. CoA is a given because he has a Black Blade, something AdCoA Zoro still didnt even achieve.
I just said you. Black blade confirms that CoA Mihawk > Shanks. That's facts, not headcannon thing that Shanks is a superior Hakiman to Mihawk.
We dunno the other stats tho, we yet don't have an answer and who's overall stronger.

And COO wise Shanks is known as COO haki killer.

So until now:
Swordsmaship -> Mihawk as confirmed
Armamenti haki -> Black Blade Mihawk
Observation haki -> COO haki killer Shanks
Conqueror haki -> Shanks.

Overall? We dunno.
What I'm realizing more and more is how Mihawk fans do bring manga statements that put the character above Shanks.

Meanwhile Shanks fans rely on technicalities and made up rules.

One would think that if author wanted Shanks to be above their fans could collect lines everywhere comparing the two directly yet in 1058 chapters nothing.
The only ones that exist are the ones who put Mihawk above him interestingly enough.
Being a swordsman and haki user are two different things, that of course can mix up.

Every swordsman use haki and every haki user can use a sword.
The difference? You have to see which Is the auxiliary things, the sword or the haki.

Zoro Is a swordsman and an haki user, and he uses his haki to power-up and boost up his swordsmaship.
Just like Oden, which sword style was known as the strongest.

<< What he himself called the (strongest) sword style was not a boast, it was the only one that deeply wounded Kaido! >>

While others, like Roger, use mainly haki and their sword as a support.

As you can see even though Oden had the strongest sword style, Roger had the upper hand and could win against him.

Now, Shanks.
Shanks Is known as a top class swordsman, rivaling Mihawk in this regard, with Mihawk having the upper hand an swordsmaship surpassing that of Red Hair.

The question Is: Is Shanks a swordsman? Yup, a Skilled top class swordsman #2 currently and..
An haki user.

Yup, the two things can converge but are threat as two separate things.

But how can you know this? By what's hyped about a character, what Is emphasized about the character? His swordsmaship or his haki?
Oden's swordsmaship Is what was hyped about him, being considered the strongest style.
Roger's haki Is what was hyped about him, same goes for Shanks, even though he's a top class swordsman what Is hyped about him Is always haki, which Is his forte.

Just like Roger:

While Mihawk, Just like Oden Is emphasized for his swordsmaship.

Shanks has inferior swordsmaship to Mihawk, but Shanks's forte Is his haki since It Is the main thing emphasized about him even though swordsmaship comes as the 2nd thing emphasized about him being top class level behind Mihawk.

Not even a proof imo but interesting:
If you want you can even use the video game Pirate Warriors 4 which explains my point even though It's not Canon, but that's the idea.

It says that Shanks Is a Skilled swordsman and an haki user.

And It says that Mihawk stands above all swordsmen. (Have to find a good quality images, I'll edit later on)

Again Mihawk stands above as swordsman and swordsmaship wise, but Shanks even though he's considered a top and Skilled swordsman he's considered a swordsman AND an haki user and what Is emphasized about him, his forte, Is his haki.
damn right
We dunno the other stats tho, we yet don't have an answer and who's overall stronger.

And COO wise Shanks is known as COO haki killer.

So until now:
Swordsmaship -> Mihawk as confirmed
Armamenti haki -> Black Blade
Observation haki -> COO haki killer Shanks
Conqueror haki -> Shanks.

Overall? We dunno.
Thing is CoO and Acoc that you give to Shanks is only your headcannon while the other 2 are facts.
Just an assumption that if Zoro has it his mentor has it too.

On the other side there was not a single time that suggested that Shanks>Mihawk in anything involves haki. On the contrary Mihawk's black blade is a fact that in terms of CoA Mihawk>Shanks and not headcannon theories.
We don't even know how one goes about creating a Black blade, so i don't know why you're going on about head canon.
Well, we still haven't ever seen Shanks in a long, decent fight so anything about him is going to be pure speculation. Heck, even for theories, we don't really have much material to work with. We know he's exceptional with haki because Kaido said that from Yonko level onwards, it's all about haki. We also know that Shanks has CoC..aaand, that's about it.
As for Mihawk, nothing ever hinted at him having CoC (I personally don't think he does honestly) but he clearly has exceptional CoA (as proven by his mighty weapon) and probably CoO.
Finally, there's Zoro. Who has an incredible understanding and raw talent for swordmanship but who still has a long way to go when it comes to haki. We know he has CoC and he's recently started developing his CoA enough to blacken his sword but he gets exhausted easily and still needs practice. I also suspect he'll develop enough FS/CoO but I'm not sure about that.
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Mihawk's CoC or COO hasn't ben hyped yet, while Shanks yes, so for now Shanks has 2 points in favor.
Dude can you understand what a fact is or not ?

Just because CoO and CoC is Shanks hype where is it stated that it has anything to do in terms of him being stronger than Mihawk ? Nowhere thats why i said this is your headcannon. I never doubt that he has monstrous haki.

On the contrary we have more than enough evidence that Mihawk is superior to him.
That doesn't prove Mihawk has CoC. Zoro didn't know how to infuse his swords with CoC until his fight with King. Also, bounties don't prove a characters strength.
lol if zoro needed this ability to not only beat king but now this makes him a master swordsman and he is still not ready for mihawk, you mean to tell me u don't think its possible that the wss has that same ability,on top of that oda told us that zoro dream has kingly ambitions and mihwak is at the top of that same kingly ambition its not rocket science. Yea bounties come from strength and threat to the wg which mihawk got a massive bounty and he has no underlings lol.