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Chapter 1059 Captain Koby’s Case
-New Pacifista model is call Seraphim, they are (big)children with white hair, brown skin and black wings
So they got the gigantification done, and added lunarian genes to them. An army of giant lunarians + whatever df they give wonder the marines were so confident

-Blackbeard attacked Amazon Lily amidst the Marine Invasion, he wants Hancock’s power. His new bounty is 3.996 billion
Never change shirohige, never change. A powerful yonko with only 300M above Mihawk. Wonder who his 10th captain is.

-Hancock turned most of the invaders(including Devon and Vasco) into stone. Her new bounty is 1.659 billion
And they thought Coby was gonna beat her lmao. Bounty should've been higher....sexism :whitepress:

-Rayleigh halted the conflict
Uncle Rayleigh to save the day again

-Koby is abducted by Blackbeard pirates
Oda heard I didn't want no damsel in distress, so he gave me dude in distress instead :milaugh:
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