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Can like Oda actually focus on the actual story of One Piece which is pirates attempting to find the One Piece? Why is Oda wasting our time with Blackbeard attacking Amazon Lily? Shouldn't BB actually make an effort in trying to find the One Piece? We don't need Koby getting captured. We need Oda to focus on the actual story and stop diverging away from the actual plot.
I hope this is satire or similar to a copypasta
Doffy himself said it wouldn't be easy and never said it straight to Issho face like Laffite did
"It wouldn't be easy" = it wouldn't be easy, not "I can't beat him".
- Pizzaro was goofing around and Laffitte had a smirk on his face, the fact you think this was a serious moment is beyond him, and literally says "hohoho" like bruh talking about "serious face".

- Doflamingo is neg-diff material for Fuji. This is a serious face at the bottom. Doflamingo not giving a single fuck about attacking Fujitora

Hold that same logic and start claiming Doffy >= Fujitora.
Boa vs BB pirates is BB pirates vs Magellan 2.0, Oda blatantly nerfing to exaggerate the other.
But I get it, no one is ready to accept it.
Man we are in the endgame and this mfucker LOda gave them an L.. What are BB fans supposed to do? Wait for his "hype" when he fights Luffy and just have him eat another fruit?
Thinking about it, the hype about Boa is real.

The marines used normal fodders against everyone. Only Boa was evaluated as needing the SSG. Her bounty is hers alone and just considering her strength and is still Yonko tier.

Then she fodderizes BB commanders like nothing, proving that only the top of the top tiers could handle the basic effects of her fruit.

Pretty cool to be honest. And if she lost her fruit, her updated bounty of 1.6B is from a weaker version.
Now everyone is surpassing 5º Emperor's bounty lmao. Basically if Boa had joined Cross Guild, she would have surpassed Blackbeard's bounty :usoprice:

This author realized the bullshit he wrote back then and is retconing, again. Even with BB who just increased over 1b+ for literally no reason since he obviously realized how idiotic was the 2.2b bounty compared to the rest :suresure:

Well, I expected Pacifistas 2.0 and that's what we got. Still disappointing. So they are now Queen + King? :few:

Rayleigh just ran away to an island thousands of miles away to save MC's wife, but he didn't bother with Ace. Legit.
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