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Kizaru- Ray,Marco, WB

Smoker- Law,Mingo,Vergo and all trashed him. Man is a jobber cant catch a break.
Law they fought evenly.

Vergo fought evenly until Smoker decided paying back his debt went more than winning.

Mingo needed hype so Luffy could look good. Smoker suffered the same fate as Crocodile now when we next see him man is going to be beastly.
Law they fought evenly.

Vergo fought evenly until Smoker decided paying back his debt went more than winning.

Mingo needed hype so Luffy could look good. Smoker suffered the same fate as Crocodile now when we next see him man is going to be beastly.
What kind of cope is this? Smoker didn't fight evenly with Law. He was mid diffed at best. Vergo decisively defeated Smoker. Now, Koby would have likely had the same thing or worse happen to him, but Koby's 18. He's new to this. What's Smoker's excuse? Pre-TS a lot of people (including me) would have ranked him above the Supernovas.


Never Feed The Badders Pasta
What if Koby wasn't taken by force? Maybe he offered himself as a way to help resolve the situation. Like he thinks they won't kill him and he can get good intel on the inside. Helmeppo cries every night now.
There is also Kuzan who is probably an undercover SWORD agent. Koby most likely got captured on purpose to get some info off Kuzan
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