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I will never forgive Oda
Shamelessly stolen from the youtube video;
Hanna the youtube commenter said:
The first one is Cherabim, it’s described as having two sets of wings and four heads (human lion eagle and ox) The second one is Thrones, it’s described as having great wheels with many eyes. And the third one is Seraphim, it’s described as having two or three sets of wings (the animator decided to add more)


The Rogue Prince
Just a sec I thought something
If someone captures mihawk he will get 3.59 billion berries
If someone captures Pranks he will get 4.048 billion berries
So which title is superior:choppawhat:
Congratulations, after 1059 chapters you finally understood the meaning of "Bounties".

Now explain why capturing Queen would give you 1.32 B while capturing Katakuri would give you 1.05 B. :kappa:

Gorosei Informer

Seeing this Supernatural talk makes me think of how I randomly saw this clip of Death appearing in Season 5 and it was really cool!:

So poignant, stylish, atmospheric, a real icy cool but foreboding tone, like quietly sinister with an eerie chill. Exactly how Death should be portrayed too!

I saw @Meeyori and I think it was @MonochromeYoru say season 5 is the best too and it seems like its not worth watching past that? Especially past 10 too?

I'm gonna start Breaking Bad soon too, keep meaning to watch it but I don't get around to it lol. Same with Arcane, SMH! I really want to start both ASAP though finally!
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