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Kuzan.... Koby :kayneshrug: simple
Umm pretty sure likes of Smoker and such also got training from Garp. Considering Oda mentioned he wanted to draw his interactions with Smoker and co. And Kong wanted to keep Garp and Sengoku for the new youth marines.

Not to mention Bogard trained Koby, not really Garp.
Koby was a coward and if he got conquerors then there is 0% argument of Sanji not having it. Same goes for usopp

as a kid Sanji was born alongside 3 monsters that tortured and bullied him relentlessly! Monsters stronger than physical peak adult men with iron skin capable of knocking kid Sanji through stone walls

But here’s the craziest part….Sanji didn’t fear them….he didn’t run away like usopp or koby. Sanji fought back punching Ichiji but he couldn’t harm him bc of his exo…….

Sanji has canonically been fearless of most things throughout the story. There is no way a man who barely shows fear is less deserving of those with less bravery for conquerors

Gol D. Roger

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I wouldn't consider coby any kind of champion. If anything he's a consolation prize, garp wanted to raise Luffy and Ace as Marines but they had their own plans, instead he settled for luffy's friend who actually wanted to be a marine so now garp is able pass on his knowledge and morals that luffy and ace didn't give a shit about.
Well, teachers don't get to choose their champions arbitrarily. The people in question need to accept the offer too. Garp had an obligation to train Luffy and Ace regardless of whether or not he wanted them to be his champions. And Coby's what the story gives him, so he'll have to settle for Coby.
Garp perhaps, Ray most definitely not. Would make PK-level nothing special if too many could reach it. Roger, WB, Garp & Luffy, BB, Akainu is enough.
We haven't seen anything to scale garp over Rayleigh or call him pk level. All we know are the rumors about him almost catching Roger a few times and helping his crew take down rocks but we don't know how much garp actually did. Realistically luffy was almost captured by the Marines several times but that doesn't make smoker pk level and just because garp allied with Roger at God valley does mean they were on the same level just the same team.
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