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Mihawk is Emperor+ level. Can't see fraud Zoro beating him in a fair fight

BB kills Shanks
Mihawk dies like Kuina
Shiryu takes Mihawk black sword
Everyone thinks he killed Mihawk and becomes WSS
Zoro defeats him and becomes WSS
Zoro defends his title against Fuji/Kizaru
Fraud Zoro beating Mihawk Fraud+ level. Top tier writing.


The Rogue Prince
Looks like a fat L for him and his crew failing to get Boa's df, unless the deal Raylrigh proposes is worth it to disregard that.
Who said he failed to get her df?
Youre a BB fan right?
I am once again telling you that BB took no Ls this chapter.
Whether you believe me or not, it's upto you.

Maybe not BB directly (although he did fail at stealing Boa's fruit) but his commanders definitely took an L by getting turned into garden gnomes by a woman with a bounty on the level of pre-emperor Luffy
Why is that surprising lol?
Vasco Shot & Devon are not M3 or Jinbe fights, they are the fights for Mid Trio or even weaker - meaning they are the equivalent of Tobi Roppo in BBP, and they're a bit stronger than Tobi Roppo so as to provide their opponents a challenge.
So why are you expecting too much out of them?
And this is what happens when >~ F6 tier characters fight Shichibukai.

What Boa did was absolutely expected of her.
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