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Gol D. Roger

ȶɦɛ քɨʀǟȶɛ ӄɨռɢ
That's not what that word means you dumbass
If you're going to argue with me you should at least comprehend the words you are trying to use you illiterate piece of shit.
Listen, you sorry excuse for an existence, you can be a successor in more ways than one. Luffy received Rayleigh's teachings and inherited his knowledge, and I called him his successor in that context. No one's saying he's going to be the next Dark King. Your half-functioning brain is so focused on finding loopholes to insult people that it's not able to process what others are saying. Don't try too hard to look cool. It's not gonna work here.
I said before I thought Coby just getting captured was disappointing and that if there was more than it then it might be something. Thankfully there's atleast Teach potentially acknowledging Coby. Better than nothing and gives hope he'll be important soon enough. Maybe this'll lead to Aokiji being revealed as a Sword member or something since he's still working with Teach.
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