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Y’all better prepare for Koby being a low top tier

His feats over the timeskip are better than Kid or Law’s.
the man is a haki master and beat Wang Zi, while Kid only “beat” a commander, and Law didn’t even do that.

He literally has better observation feats than 90% of characters we’ve seen. Once Teach gives him a DF, he’s going to be near admiral level.
Don't overdo it, he would need to awakening the fruit and that would take time.

Gorosei Informer

thats got to be it...maybe whitebeard whole family thing was started because he felt so..well lonely on the rocks crew...hell even big mom did...and kaido...they all made big crews to surround themselves with...familes
Yeah that genuinely makes sense now you mention it. They were the ultimate ragtag groups of misfits/outcasts, similar scenario to the league of villains in MHA.

Given they all had trust issues and couldn't trust each other too. Kaido and BM were betrayed in their childhoods and manipulated too. They saw the worst of the world. I'll have to double check WBs backstory but he had it shitty too ofc.
Y’all better prepare for Koby being a low top tier

His feats over the timeskip are better than Kid or Law’s.
the man is a haki master and beat Wang Zi, while Kid only “beat” a commander, and Law didn’t even do that.

He literally has better observation feats than 90% of characters we’ve seen. Once Teach gives him a DF, he’s going to be near admiral level.
Umm dude didn't Blackbeard do that?
Coby got trashed by Hancock
Wait Law been literally manipulating the downfall of Rocks Legends all post timeskip. Some history most be there I’m intrigue

masterminded the downfall of a former rock pirate wang zhi. Manipulating Yonko BB, an marine hero coby into action.

Mastermind a plan manipulating fellow top 3 nova SH luffy, an his crew into destroying Yonko Kaido artificial DF trade.

Also Formed an alliance with fellow top 3 nova Kid, to off former Rock legend Yonko Big mom

the sheer amount of work put in. 3 billion a lowball he should been named a Yonko
Wait Law been literally manipulating the downfall of Rocks Legends all post timeskip. Some history most be there I’m intrigue

masterminded the downfall of a former rock pirates. Manipulating Yonko BB, an marine hero coby into action.

Mastermind a plan manipulating fellow top 3 nova SH luffy, an his crew into destroying Yonko Kaido artificial DF trade.

Also Formed an alliance with fellow top 3 nova Kid, to off former Rock legend Yonko Big mom

the sheer amount of work put in. 3 billion a lowball he should been named a Yonko
Still low diffed by Teach though but i agree he's a true mastermind.
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