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I doubt Wang Zhi was top-tier. Even if he were one, he wouldn't stand a chance against BB given his age. Don't go overboard with the wank. The supposed help BB received from Coby probably wasn't what we think it is.
My guess:

Wang Zhi is at best a YC tier pirate who took hachinosu after WB died. Teach had nothing to do with the rocky port incident, save for him simply coming in at the end and taking hachinosu for himself.

Ultimately, Koby helped Teach, but its not as if Teach was desperate for his help. He would have conquered Hachinosu regardless, but Koby made it much easier, as he brought down the one guy who was protecting it.
It could be anything at this point. He's a living legend, and likely made BB struggle in one way or another, so we can't really underestimate him.
I think that the ones with Better portray among Rocks are: Xebec, Whitebeard, Linlin and Kaido as the "main core" of Rocks pirates.
While Shiki, Captain John, Axe Silver and Wang Zhi are still strong legends but I put all of them below Yonkos with Shiki being near to that level even though a bit below, while others can be strong, I mean I think Rocks pirates were beasts.
So House of the Dragon is definitely worse than Rings of Power lol

Family drama in ep. 3 was really good, I had hope for it

Action scene was straight in the style of Season 6 battle of the bastards (horrible battle) and not a bit believable for this universe.
Rings of power is a dogshit fantasy show with or without lotr in it , all of the character suck and unlikable , pushing shit woke SJW without a care for the source.
House of the dragon >>>>>>
I think that the ones with Better portray among Rocks are: Xebec, Whitebeard, Linlin and Kaido as the "main core" of Rocks pirates.
While Shiki, Captain John, Axe Silver and Wang Zhi are still strong legends but I put all of them below Yonkos with Shiki being near to that level even though a bit below, while others can be strong, I mean I think Rocks pirates were beasts.
Shiki was Roger's rival, so I doubt Kaido was stronger than him on the Rocks crew.


I will never forgive Oda
I mean 1 episode was becoming interesting at the end and wanted me to watch the second one who was enjoyable to me.
So I agree with your valutation.
I am really curious about two characters, the Elf Warrior (forgot his name) and the Meteor man who I had this random feeling that could be Gandalf and I have seen other people speculate this as well.
I am actually really hopeful regarding Rings of Power, I hope to see episodes "Rich" of worldbuilding, story and interesting characters.
Meteor Man and the Hobbits is giving me that familiar warmth of LOTR that I needed in episode 1

Aedar / the black elf was mid for me episode 1 because the actor was so straight faced. But now with action and that horror scene, I'm really hyped for it.

Galadriel is the weakest plotline and I hope she grows soon
Lol i don't think Koby directly fought Wang Zhi either but i'm still curious to what happened. I don't see how saving civilians would have helped Blackbeard taking over in any way.


I will never forgive Oda
Rings of power is a dogshit fantasy show with or without lotr in it , all of the character suck and unlikable , pushing shit woke SJW without a care for the source.
House of the dragon >>>>>>
Lmfao House of the Dragons is popculture vomit hanging on the coattails of the good seasons of GoT while remaining about as well written as the worst few seasons.
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