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Blackbeard and the marines believe that rayleigh will make their crews return back to normal

If they kept fighting they obviously would have won but the statue crewmates would be stuck like that forever
Depends, if Blackbeard could kill Hancock before Rayleigh could free her from Teach.

The moment Rayleigh frees Hancock, it's GG for Teach. The man was scared to let go of her after catching her by surprise, for the very fact that she woudld've done in the marines and Blackbeard pirates there, the moment he would've let go.

She is fucking OP. So if Rayleigh got Hancock freed, then yea they would've been whooped on by Hancock alone, let alone Rayleigh involved.
Might be realted to serphium bcz he took a serphium by using darness. Coby kidnapped by him. I think he wants to knoe about serphium.

Whatever it is the next move that BB is going to make is so big that WG reconsider the threat that BB possess in terms of strength and influence too and like i said if he wants to get df by killing users. Then coby is the prefect person as infiltarator. what is a way to get marine morale down?. If the hero of marine young gen is colluded with pirates to get df. Then what happened to entire morale of marines
Damn, this series is becoming piling mess man. This way I won't be surprised if I skip some chapter spoilers. Let's me just walk it to the grave untill it eventually dies
Hancock’s DF probably works in the same manner as Law’s where you can resist it with much much superior Haki, otherwise she would be able to defeat all Yonkos despite what her bounty suggests. BB’s Haki is good but simply not good enough. But there is no reason to think that his CoA is inferior to anything less than Admiral lvl either tbh.

Either you need some really strongass Haki or Boa’s fruit negs all four Yonkos if they’re caught without knowledge. :kobeha:
Depends, if Blackbeard could kill Hancock before Rayleigh could free her from Teach.

The moment Rayleigh frees Hancock, it's GG for Teach. The man was scared to let go of her after catching her by surprise, for that very fact that she woudld've done in the marines and Blackbeard pirates there.

She is fucking OP.
He could have killed her but wouldn't have got back his stone crewmates
He didn't want to let her go knowing she had to potential to do the same thing to everyone else including him

Rayleigh coming in made he and the marines stop not because they couldn't beat him but because using boa abilities to reassure them

While yeah rayleigh is obviously overall stronger imo this chapter hypes up Hancock alot more when it comes to how dangerous she is
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