So trolls who were saying Non-DF users have advantage vs. Blackbeard?
Even with Hancock's help, Non-DF user Rayleigh admits he can't beat Blackbeard
What Ladmirals with DFs can do vs. Blackbeard if Non-DF user Rayleigh (it should be bad match-up according to trolls) can't beat BB even with Hancock's help?
Didn't you see my Win list, you ALT ZKK trolls doing nothing but taking Ls?

I will give them another L right now but check my win list:
(they said I was using a wrong translation in that thread lmao)
- Right prediction on Blackbeard attacking Hancock - Win
- Right prediction, Base Blackbeard (with no DF) fought Captain Shanks (same as Mihawk)
- Right prediction on Advance CoC - Win :
- Right prediction Tekkai = CoA Haki ? :
- Right prediction on ZKK not happening - Win
- Right prediction Yonko > Admirals, Yonko Shanks negged Admiral Greenbull and Admiral Kizaru, - Win
- Right prediction,
don't assume Blackbeard's bounty will stay as 2.2 billion
Mihawk fans said he has higher bounty than Yonko BB - Win
- Trolls said BB has shit Haki - BB blocked SSG sword with Haki - Win
- Trolls said Rayleigh is stronger than BB - Rayleigh admitted he couldn't beat BB even with Hancock's help - Win
Poor ALT ZKK trolls

Check this out:
- Ladmiral Greenbitch attacks YONKO Luffy
- SSG attacks YONKO Blackbeard in this chapter
This poor ALT trolls who breaths ZKK copium are still dreaming about this shit
Also, this contradicts with your pathetic 4 Yonko = Larines
If Larines needs permission from HQ to attack JUST 1 Yonko, then how are they going to deal 2 Yonko at the same time? They can't.
1 Yonko = Larines HQ confirmed. :cheers: