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Greenbull leave after shanks haki otherwise he have to fight luffy alliance and shanks crew - it is L for admiral reee. If greenbull solo luffy alliance, people will lose their minds and claim greenbull does not belong to one piece universe

Blackberd listen what old rayleigh say — Not L for yonko

‘’Big mom run away from Marco - not L for yonko
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The Rogue Prince
Because there’s nothing stopping Boa from attacking him with his back turned or instantly taking his crew hostage again. Look I’m all for Rayleigh wank, but it’s clear Blackbeard didn’t back down because of him. Rayleigh was just the only way to guarantee the safety of Blackbeard and his crew from Boas powers.
You think he was afraid of Boa and not Rayleigh when he literally came to the Island during a marine invasion nonetheless, knowing about her fruit and to take it?
You think he was afriad of Boa and not Rayleigh when he literally low diff'd Boa in this very chapter?
You think Oda wrote that Rayleigh scene here so that y'all can attribute him stopping the conflict to Boa?

The sheer downplay of anything remotely related to Zoro is obnoxious at this point.
Marines : Any one in the world please defeat Legendary Marine Hunter before he shoves his sword up Akainus ass hole and kills our Hero Garp. Please we will Pay you 4 billion dollars

Random Sanji wanker @kurwa with never ending insecurity : mIhAwK iS rEplAcEd bY SSG
every pirate has a bounty, Shishio
How about send then ssg to hunt the marine hunter for free rather than spending yonko level budget on him??

They already sent fodder ass after him and he literally started packing his things to run away
You think he was afraid of Boa and not Rayleigh when he literally came to the Island during a marine invasion nonetheless, knowing about her fruit and to take it?
You think he was afriad of Boa and not Rayleigh when he literally low diff'd Boa in this very chapter?
You think Oda wrote that Rayleigh scene here so that y'all can attribute him stopping the conflict to Boa?

The sheer downplay of anything remotely related to Zoro is obnoxious at this point.
He stated outright that he didn’t think he’d be able to resist Boas powers… read the dialogue. Talking to the wrong guy with Zoro downplay. I’ve always said EOS Zoro ~ Primebeard and Roger

But this Rayleigh wank isn’t what was stated in the summary
Teach didn't run from Ray
Ray admits inferiority to Teach
Gb admitted inferiority to Kaido ran away after getting hit by Shanks CoC
Both are below Yonko, GB has better feats than Ray could ever have.

Prime Ray can't beat any Yonko, he wanted to 2v1 non prime Oden
He couldn't beat Young Kata/Marco/Vista back in the days.
No Rocks pirates gives a damn about him
Oden doenst also hype him.

Yonko > Prime Ray ~ Kizaru >= GB > Old Ray / Kid/ Law
This you ?
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