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Nothing has happened to the Navy tbh. The only loses on their part are literal fodder men. With the introduction of Seraphim it's clear how broken the Navy will be with their Admirals + Zodiac VA's + Seraphim +Garp/Sengoku.
There were no distractions. Sanji simply couldn't escape King. Even invisibility wasn't that helpful. Sanji is far stronger than his siblings in RS.
Sanji was caught off-guard
King neebr detected Sanji...he was kicking Momo
That's why he looks surprised when he gets blocked and sanji shows himself

Sanji only got caught by King hand and sent down coz he was talking to others
There's no panel of King hurting RS sanji or detecting Invisible Sanji

Everyday you sound pathetic
@Echizen_Jo_Ndule lets asses the sheer hilarity of Old Rayleigh and Katakuri comparison

One guy is so strong his Haki is making a Yonko shiver..he shits his pants when that dude arrives and can't even say his name properly. That dude tells the Yonko to fuck off and don't even look at the fruit he traveled across the entire ocean to get

Other guy lost to Luffy who needed 5 rounds and 25 power ups to beat another Yonko. Now Katakuri is having extreme battles to have his Haki bloom against Caesar the clown.

So is Old Rayleigh still only above Katakuri because hE iS mOrE fAmOuS? @Fleet Admiral Lee Hung
Try harder
Prime Ray is inferior to Yonko too.
That's why no Yonko hypes him , not even Oden.

Old Age didn't make WB to admit inferiority to shanks (who was still newly yonko)
Even Weakened Kaido still claimed "nobody can beat me"

It shows you that Primebeard, Kaido , BM, Teach > Prime Ray
Even Shanks / Oden > Prime Ray

Old Ray : low top tier /solid top tier slightly below admirals .
Old WB : high top tier who can beat admirals (mid top tiers( still
Weakened Kaido : can beat Mid top tier (adcoc g4 luffy)

Yami Teach , Base /no FS-drunk Kaido, Nerfed BM all have better feats than Old Ray.
They trashing warlords/YCs / no FS Luffy/ SNs

Old and Prime Ray has zero W btw
Old Ray has no W despite making BB leave empty handed & making Kizaru angry :milaugh:

Those are feats against solid top tiers when he is at his weakest. Better than anything Oden or Big Meme did

Big meme runs from Marco
> You hype her

BB runs from old Ray
> You downplay prime Ray

Most top tiers have no "Ws" like Ray:cheers:

Elder Lee Hung

Conqueror of the Stars
"But he didnt have his swords or use flame"

> Swords are useless against his vines shown in the Scabbard fight
> Flame is useless shown in the scabbard fight

"But his wings"

> Literally has a second set of wings with his DF

"But not full health"

> No badanges for Dragon Damnation....the strongest attack he took. Just a measly head bandagae...for what ? Probably the fall he had.

King was full health and has a working brain. He is literally in a weapons factory and has a DF that gives wings. His Lunarian powers arent restrained by magical invisible Seastone....nor has it ever been implied it gets nerfed with health.

Just stop the cope....all of you.
As always, people’s blind hatred for the Admirals leads them to make the funniest excuses lmfao.

It’s hard accepting that Admirals are much stronger than your favorites, lol.


𝐀𝐬𝐩𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐌𝐚𝐬𝐜𝐡𝐞𝐧𝐧𝐲 𝐏𝐞𝐭
why do we take his word for it when nothing indicate they even fought in the chapter, or do you really think prime ray would beat one of the final villain
Why shouldn't we take his word for it? He showed up and told Blackbeard to scram and Blackbeard ran.

Even Blackbeard himself was surprised/alarmed at Rayleigh showing up.
What was said is that Marine HQ is stronger recruiting new Admirals and Akainu being the leader
but recruiting a couple new Admirals wasn't the only changes to Marine HQ that Sakazuki made.
What else did he make? The only other thing he did was move HQ to new world but that nothing to do with increasing strength.
Furthermore, that panel doesn't even mention the new Admirals at all
It is literally talking about filling up the gap that Aokiji and Akainu made by leaving Admiral positions
Non-DF users are a perfect match for BB because he loses the advantage of being able to turn off their powers. That's not a weakness by any metric. The fact that you're compelled to use every excuse in the world to prove BB's superiority against a senile old man is concerning though. It's almost sad at this point. Have more faith in your man lmao.

You're lucky most people don't wanna shit on BB.
You trolls were saying why BB retreated, because Rayleigh bargained for Vasco and Devon, if BB killed Hancock and Rayleigh, Vasvo and Devon would still remained stone, those stones would have shattered during the fight.

BB's crew is the reason why he retreated once again. He is individually already more powerful than Rayleigh + Hancock right now. :steef:
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