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Bro I think the Boa sisters mean all events before BB shows up, in the summary it sound like Teach absorb them:
Their comment was after all the battle ended..
Rayleigh says that it seems the Marines believe they will be able to replace the Shichibukai with that new weapons they've brought to the island. Marigold and Sandersonia talk about them.

Marigold: "At the end of the battle, those 2..."

Sandersonia: "They didn't have a single scratch!!


𝐀𝐬𝐩𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐌𝐚𝐬𝐜𝐡𝐞𝐧𝐧𝐲 𝐏𝐞𝐭
The Wano flashback feels like an attempt to repair Yamato's bizarre last minute decision of not joining the crew. Possibly something that was supposed to be there in the arc itself until Film Red sort of stifled Wano's conclusion.
It's a very annoying resolution IMO. I aired my grievances here:
I think it's BS character writing that Oda had Yamato deliberately abandon her dream to see and explore the world.

Staying to protect your homeland and forsaking your dream out of some sense of obligation is the exact opposite of traditional OP character development.

Yamato is still chained at the end of the Wano arc, her prison is just larger and her chains are her own. It's annoyingly inconsistent with the overall themes and messages of One Piece.

But honestly, this may not even be the worst of Oda's writing sins in Wano.
maybe his editors saw too many complaints about yamato's decision even within the jap fandom
i think oda was just rushing the end of wano on purpose because of the jo ha kyu pacing thing. we're going to have a lot of these flashbacks and cutaways too i think, wano might just continue being part of the story in a way earlier islands havent
Not really super bizzare, she just realized after Greenbull attacked that Wano is not safe at all, she must stay on Wano to defend it.
Yeah. But oda should have fucking shown that before they left. Not in a random marco flashback that makes no sense.

And now that film red is out and oda doesn't need to rush, I think more of these little flashbacks to wano are gonna come out with events that should have been shown during wano like the ryuma grave visit etc...
People still debating huh?

I think people forgot what happen to Luffy vs Big Mom's Army after hard/extreme-diffing Cracker with the help of Nami.

BB extreme-diffs Ray. (With Ray admitting he couldn't have defeated BB there)

BB is exhausted.

Devon and Vasco are stones.

Is Hancock, Shakky, Sandersonia, Marigold, and the rest of the remaining Kuja Pirates just gonna stand and let an exhausted BB take Boa's DF?

There's chibi Mihawk too with the Marines and Koby.

I'll sure retreat if I was BB.

Is this hard?

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