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I think pacifista looked better when introduced, at this point what seraphims achieved... They don't really seem like a threat to SHs as we know they are better. With kuma pacifista, it was literally desperation.
Yea since SHs shouldve already jumped in powerlevel...but imo Seraphim will still be a legit danger to every SHs except Monster Quartet tho...
It's wrong when we see characters start to sweat from characters they're clearly stronger than

Do you think SSG Mihawk is stronger than Blackbeard?

It could clearly be written better but come on. We've seen Blackbeard start to sweat reacting to a billion different characters

Akainu had Blackbeard's entire crew running and sweating by himself. Blackbeard isn't exactly a "stand and fight no matter what" kind of guy like Ace
I am not making any conclusions, I am saying that's how author is writes the story. Whether it's true or not. So I don't see why I should argue with people who think otherwise since it aligns with the story telling.
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