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The Rogue Prince
a few pages later, Luffy acknowledges that Koby has the potential to become nearly as strong as him.
Luffy COMPLIMENTS him after neg diffing his ass.

Koby unlocked CoO before sanji and was trained by a far better coach. Koby is portrayed to be a haki specialist in the same vein as Zoro and Luffy.

Koby getting captured by Teach is going to lead to him being fed a DF. Once that happens, he's going to be a low top tier.
I'm surprised that after Kid's treatment in Wano and how you lamented it, and you are buying Coby's stocks out of all people :suresure:

Oda specifically mentioned Kid has CoC and gave Kid a grand total of ZERO CoC feats or even explicit Haki feats while Zoro got both CoC & ACoC in Wano.

And you still think that Oda is going to give Coby a df & make him a "Low Top Tier" :suresure:
Btw Lunara King who is far more durable than Kaido was afraid of his life against Zoro and Now baby Lunara is durable enough to no sell Yonko attacks
Mr. Spee D. Reader king has a weakness and will be vulnerable to attacks when his fire goes out

king is nothing special, no CoC and no advance level haki of any type, no awakening and a weak ass DF(page one level DF)
Mr. Spee D. Reader king has a weakness and will be vulnerable to attacks when his fire goes out

king is nothing special, no CoC and no advance level haki of any type, no awakening and a weak ass DF
Lmaoo calls me speed reader, literally ignores manga.
When King was in fire Mode, Zoro literally asks him "Why you dodging and blocking? Afraid your ass will get cut"
And even without Lunara mode he is far more durable than Big Mom who was shitting her self against Zoro's CoA leak not even CoC.

There is no logical argument for why Big Mom can beat current Zoro.
Luffy's Nika mode is getting cut in half too

Gol D. Roger

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Coby sees Zoro as his God

3 Coby Wankers on the internet
eOs CoBy wILl bE StRoNgEr tHaN eOs zOrO

One Piece manga is only gonna last three more years and Coby's eyes pop out in fear seeing 99 year old near dead version of the man who will one day be surpassed by Zoro

Why do you set yourself up for disappointment kids?:funky::choppawhat::choppawhat:
I don't think it means much but an overlooked aspect about this is Coby was more shocked to see Rayleigh than Blackbeard lmao.


𝐊𝐨𝐤𝐮𝐭𝐨 𝐒𝐡𝐮𝐬𝐮𝐢
@Monkey D Theories I'm sorry if I rained on your parade, you Koby stans probably didn't need that negativity right now but that's just the way I see it after Wano.

Koby is damn near irrelevant compared to all the other big players that are going to be involved in this arc.
That one dude who sacrificed Sanji FC club card for Coby wank is probably crying now.
Yes nothing Zoro has is comparable to Law
Emo Edge Lord has No CoC -- Zoro Has top tier CoC
Emo Edge Lord doesn't know what Ryou is -- Zoro has top tier Ryou
Emo Edge Lord has Less Physical Strength than Doffy -- Zoro has top tier physical strength
Zoro can run faster than Emo Edge Lord can even think
Emo Edge Lord best 1v1 W is Vergo -- Zoro's best 1v1 W is Fujitora
Emo Edge Lord failed to do permanent Damage to Big Mom's Organs -- Zoro did permanent Damage to Kaido's scales.

Its a joke to even compare Emo Edge Lord to Zoro and most people don't.

To give you a reality check VAST MAJORITY of fans think Law hasn't even surpassed Marco yet much less Zoro and they are not fucking wrong. Doing 4th of July Fire works against an immobile punching bag like Big Meme who is retarded enough to choose not to use CoC like Kaido and swat Law away like a bug doesn't make you YC1 level.

Law should be competing with Baby Mihawk's replicas and prove his superiority to them not the guy who will one day surpass Mihawk
This Jebroni
zoro tried remember?

Got casually dealt with

become failing miserably to save anybody. While Law was Stalling those 2, zoro was again chasing fairies tryna get back his blade. You’d a to be some type of fucking moron to think, law was carried. That crew literally still functioning because of Laws DR feats.

my bad this wasn’t worth responding too. This was meant for @HA001
Zoro would have done it on his
Not ended crying armless
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That's a lunarian wing 100 times more durable than Big Mom's skin much less her wrist bone lol
Dude giving someone huge ass cut over their chest is far worse than breaking one wrist bone.
Kaido and BM doesn’t have a shitty weakness that will made them vulnerable to enemy attacks unlike that shitty king:cheers:

Kaido would have died to blood lost if it wasn't for his dragon regeneration.
Big Mom wasn't even bothered by that "Bone breaking"
nice headcanon, even you wont die from superficial wounds and Kaido only received paper cut wounds lmao:gokulaugh::gokulaugh::gokulaugh::gokulaugh:
So after a thousand chapters has anybody posted anything that isn't related to stupid power levels, as if Oda pays any attention to every "feat" you guys believe to actually exist, as if a big cut is something but flashy spectacle, as if...?

The only good thing to be expected from the new Pacifista is a potential Mini-Me allying with Buggy. Apart from that, Oda went for the most fanfic-like possibility out there; these better end up being something more than empty hype because we all know how hard the old Pacifistas seemed at first, and then...

Not even Blackbeard makes me feel anything while reading this series anymore; it's like Wano killed every last glimpse of interest. Coby's kidnapping is probably leading to another Rocks versus Roger and Garp, but who cares at this point, and of course Oda wouldn't show anything from Rocky Port until a hundred chapters later when we've already forgotten.

God I hope he doesn't screw it up the final saga.
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