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Wouldn’t Garp be the dragon because he named his son dragon?
Okay Admiral Bros decide
1. Kong = Dragon, Zephyr = Rat and Garp = Snake
2. Kong = Snake , Garp = Dragon and Zephyr = rat
3. Kong = Dragon, Zephyr = Snake and Garp = Rat
@EmperorKinyagi @MarineHQ @Mr. Reloaded
I would leave the unknowns blank, it would still be cool as hell.

CoC: Color of Clowns

DNA are the Flowers of the Soul
i feel like its 100% likely that Saul is alive. the move he used was literally called "Ice Time Capsule". A time capsule is something you seal up for years and years and then open up at a later date. if Oda wanted me to think Kuzan killed him he should have called the move Ice Coffin. He's obviously coming back.
That's what worries me: why call it "Ice Time Capsule", if he's not coming back? We never found out why he had the "D" in his name, either. At the least, we'll get more backstory about Saul, I think.
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