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Basically in that year, there were two options:

The guys that made the biggest corruption scandal in the history of the country vs the Tropical Hitler. People voted in that dude (yeah insane elections)

And now, 4 years after... Guess! The same two options :joker:
We're all gonna die
I wonder what our descendants in ~500 years will think of us.
They will hate us probably


Talent is something you make bloom.
Fun fact.
That game was the only one I've rooted for Brazil in the cup.
I wanted them to win and then lose to Argentina in the Finals for the ultimate humiliation.

I didn't even know what to feel by the time the 4th goal happened and just started laughing for the rest of that match.
Honestly I am completely indifferent towards Carrot as a character and originally didn't care if she would join or not, but ever since I saw how obnoxious(and weird) her fanbase is I hope Oda humilliates this character as much as possible.

Ever since Wano I have been eating good in this regard.

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