shes my 2nd least favourite character in Naruto, Sakura is obvs MY LEAST FAVOURITE by a WIDE margin and i mean wide like the distance from the sun to the earth
Miyamoto-San confirmed that the SHs all split up. Luffy/Chopper, Nami/Brook/Usopp/Sanji, Zoro/Robin/Franky as they get drawn into a new island via the storms
Miyamoto-San confirmed that the SHs all split up. Luffy/Chopper, Nami/Brook/Usopp/Sanji, Zoro/Robin/Franky as they get drawn into a new island via the storms
Miyamoto-San confirmed that the SHs all split up. Luffy/Chopper, Nami/Brook/Usopp/Sanji, Zoro/Robin/Franky as they get drawn into a new island via the storms
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