
(☝◞‸◟)☞ 𝚂𝚒𝚖𝚙
> we see a little jab between Burgess and Shiryu, Burgess tells Shiryu not to get too full of himself because he was only "recruited" after Impel Down

peak writing


Actually both are very plastic.Diet,exercise regime,cosmetics and surgery can change someone looks greatly.So can life events change someone behavior both for good and evil.That said,i would never marry is a hot model that happens to be a hoe(bad morals).It is too easy nowadays for a woman to destroy a family.If divorce happesn,you will lose your houe,have to pay money to the damn and woman and probably won't see your kids.Everyone will fucking suffer and suicide rates amonge recently divorced man is pretty high.So be careful who you choose as a wife.I'm a red pill/mgtow endorser because i think they exagerate stuff a little and sound bitter,but they have a lot of good advice on how to stop the red flags for these kind of women.
As someone who has seen divorce.
You don't neccessarily have to pay alimony to the women. If you have your reasons right and you are not at fault.
and be careful choosing a wife?
Bruh I'm not even going near womens. I just don't happen to trust them anymore.
I don't how their mind works.