
You agreeing or disagreeing doesn't change the truth. He was resting and chilling with Big Mom after Scabbards were one shot. They couldn't do shit to him. Kaido started gettinh damaged when advCoC was used. Read the story and use your brain to understand. You disagreeing with your headcannon doesn't matter a tinybit.
With bigmam? I think The instance I wrote were after 1010 and bigmam wasn't even there to start with after that.
and adcoc was used after 1010 and before there were no rest. stop slandering yonkou for the biggest condom in the centuary. It's fuckin fact luffy couldn't win 1v1. and kaido took the damage and yet lost in the by a fuckin edge. he was even fucking g5 for a while. oda made it 3 rounds well knowing beating kaido 1v1 is impossible. learn what narration says when kaido was introduced he was said to be unbeatable in 1v1 and hence he still is. luffy didn't beat him 1v1. he lost like thrice and came with rest and an asspull awakening which somehow recovers everything for him. he nearly already died twice with kaido. Stop pushing your headcanon and learn to read the story properly.


Pepebusi Spammer
- Chapter 1.061 : Spade Kingdom
- Chapter starts with Luffy, Chopper, and Bonney getting carried by the wind
- In an amazing double spread, we see a big castle.
- New character appear in the end of the chapter, his name is Lucifero
- Lucifero : "Welcome to Spade Kingdom Strawhat Luffy"
- Editor Note : Black Clover Piece??!!
- Break next weak