@Lance_Dragonite If you are so afraid of posting early spoilers why dont you just pass them to 5 random people on twitter and let them spread it. Just admit that you are an insecure snowflake and you bitching if someone else post anything before you.
You know the little baby needs attention from us, why do you think he includes those big ass watermarks on the spoilers
  • Do not make posts and/or comments with the intent to get a rise out of a member, this can be snide or dismissive behavior, aggressive or hostile or simply intolerant behavior in the hopes of a member engaging in a heated rebuttal garnering them some form of punishment.

    when is lances punishment
Are you some kind of...
Whatever, if we would go strict by rules, i could perma ban you for your last 10 posting how often? And what do you expect when you harass him since months permanently?

You all should act like grown ups, its some pathetic childish behavior, just because you dont get whatever you want in the moment you want it. Its a shame to work here in my private time to offer people with that behavior a plattform.