Eh if that is a clone of his mother and Sanji knows, I doubt he’ll simp. Oda didn’t have him simp for his sister so that’s a good sign oda doesn’t care to show any bit of incest.
Hopium that has actual logic and references to the story behind it. I like this very much, I love Sanji, and want him to stop simping in weird situations.
This is just a scene to hype girl Vegapunk. Typical Oda style of hyping others at an expense of others. While there is a good hype for mecha here, let us not jump the guns until we see fully what they can do.
The fact Smoker didn't get reintroduced the same time as Tashigi and all these new marine introduction give me hope Oda is cooking a special one for him
The fact Smoker didn't get reintroduced the same time as Tashigi and all these new marine introduction give me hope Oda is cooking a special one for him
The fact Smoker didn't get reintroduced the same time as Tashigi and all these new marine introduction give me hope Oda is cooking a special one for him
The fact Smoker didn't get reintroduced the same time as Tashigi and all these new marine introduction give me hope Oda is cooking a special one for him
Man this mecha is huge. Franky Shogun would look like a dwarf in comparison
I always pictured Franky inside a hundred of meters tall mecha havng a kaiju fight with Sanjuan Wolf. Man this will be the arc to upgrade Shogun into that mecha I dreamed of ?
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