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Formerly Seth

I mean, tbh I would lie if Bray's return didn't gave me goosebumps. It was done very, very well.

+ Kross exists, if Wyatt improved during his break this might actually be enjoyable, there were hints The Fiend is dead, or it will be used like Demon Balor.

I will give him a shot but not expect too much.
@Kerkovian^ My answer to ur reply.
Come on. Think about it. You joined just a few days before Solis nuked his account. You talk with peeps here like you know them for long time. You have same talking style and stuff as Solis. You know inside jokes and stuff that only people that have been here for some time would know. Etc etc.

As for the gore stuff. I get it man. You wanted an image change. Anyway...

It's good to have you back buddy :cheers:
Please stop, lol.

I don’t know what else to tell you other than that it’s all a coincidence. I can’t explain it any better than that :parkcry:

Formerly Seth

This Bray hits more than The Fiend tbh. Gave me Ministry Undertaker vibes. Let it not be a no selling clusterfuck but a toned down Roman Reigns like build with supposed new Stable may work.
He should go for something such as "savior" gimmick.

Bro, I want this shit and him to start a promo aboit "saving" the WWE and pointing at Roman. After Drew got buried last night and Seth seemingly still in the feud with Riddle, what is a better chance than to have Bray take off one of the titles?

Now I'm reading that he was training, he didn't drastically improved his shape but he was said to try and improve his wrestling pace and moves overall.

Bro... Let's pray:cheers:
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