Lmao dude a house sized explosion knocked Luffy out
Zoro thought that mountain level explosion would have killed him had he not blocked it with Haki

Same Zoro didn't even come close to getting killed by Thunder Bagua right after taking Hakai.

An Explosion the size of mountain >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Wind Scythe, Ulti's Head Butt and Hody's Shark bite.
Thats zoros words. So he wouldn't survive a small "mountain level" Explosion without haki. But pell survived basically a nuke with no haki. See, explosions are inconsistent as fuck in op.

Idc about luffy. Luffy gets clowned all the time. But he also gets hyped twice as much.

Lmao Zoro was far from being in Awe..he was just acknowledging the Haki Luffy learned.

This is what being in Awe (and fear is called)

Both Kaido and Big Mom shat her pants and then Zoro's Haki leak was big enough to bust a mountain sized Horn

Even suggesting Luffy's armament Haki is ANYWHERE NEAR Zoro is fucking bullshit.
That is the problem...literally every Zoro feat gets downplayed..Luffy gets dick ridden to heaven and then anyone who doesn't downplay the fuck outta Zoro is braned "Evil Zoro dick rider"

Zoro's CoA is 100 times stronger and its not
I guess we are going there. That was literally Enma. Read what is written on that panel. Enma sucking up and releasing zoros haki is not a feat for zoro. It's for the damn sword. Kaido and Meme both talk about the fucking sword. Why is that?

Why didn't zoro attempt that same attack again? Because enma took a lot of his haki to make that attack. So he had to recharge again. If zoro could do that attack and his coc attacks without enma at all, you might have had a point. Buf that sword was a necessity for zoro. If zoro could spam that attack, he would have. But he didn't.

Why are you trying so hard to paint yourself as a victim lol. Zoro fans are the majority in most places. Zoro is actually the most wanked character in op. You said it yourself. The polls in YouTube always has zoro winning. That's wanking. Not downplay.

Also, throwing out arbitrary numbers like 100x bigger doesn't seem that great in an argument as you think it does. You should stop doing that.
The vast majority think Shanks destroys Mihawk too

Just saying
They don't
I literally saw polls

If there is an equal option between Shanks and Mihawk..they vote for equals and they pick Shanks just for the sake of picking one. Its same as Roger Whitebeard thing..where if there are polls with equal option they pick that..other wise they pick Roger.

Most fans think they are equal and btw
Mihawk literally wins polls against every character alive not named Imu and Shanks after chapter 1058
Kaido Akainu doesn't matter
If this Window sized explosion did this to Luffy

Luffy would literally be blown into Electrons, Protons and Neutrons if he got hit by this

That ain't the same damn attack and you know it. Apoos attack is unavoidable unless you know it's weakness which is closing your ears. Zoro also got sliced by that attacks. So I guess apoo had better haki than zoro right????