Really digging the remix of "Precipice of Defeat." I've been looking forward to that song more than "Number One," honestly.
That Hidetomo guy looked way too much like Aizen. It kind of freaked me out for a second! I don't think they look that similar in the manga, do they?
I think the episode missed the part where Yhwach explains why now is the best time to invade SS. Why cut that small, yet meaningful line?
The reishi pillars looked very cool. Crazy to think about how many Soul Reapers were taken out instantly! I really liked how they did the reishi staircase in the last episode, too.
Cool to see Bazz and the gang! The SS is so completely taken off guard at this point. Next episode is gonna be crazy! My husband is anime-only and it's been fun to watch his reactions.

"What do you mean there's more Quincies?!?!"