
Magic Sword, Magic Swordsman, and Can Cut Anything
No they weren't lmao. Shanks and Beck didn't do shit. The Admirals continued to attack and then stopped due to their own accord. Admirals aren't allowed to pick fights with Yonkou unless Sengoku allows it. The recent chapters confirmed that.
Akainu and Kizaru started to sweat and the last film was worst. The representation (oda wants to show) is clear Shanks and beck>akainu and kizaru


I will never forgive Oda
doesnt show original text
anime forum mod
bias detected
Lol, the texts come from Kubo’s club — a website you can only get onto if you’re Japanese and pay a 5$ Monthly fee (which you can only do with Japanese banking I’ve tried).

i don’t really care if you believe me or not but the cope is a little funny