Did Sanji break his leg this chapter?

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SBS coming out on the same week as chapter is always a pain in the butt so I took a break
But that’s barely an excuse so it’s fine if Sanji fans hate me too, I deserve it lmao
So is Shanks Crew structure similar to WB crew with Senior Officers similar to Division Commanders?
I'll probably make a thread about that. Looks very interesting now that we get more Seraphim feats. Overall they're far stronger than the Warlords as a weapon. After all outside of Mihawk and maybe Weevil no warlord could beat one imo
Why will Mihawk be better than his seraphim if his clone can replicaye everything and have better durability?

While dudes like Law has hax moves


Can’t you just reset your password? Surely you can access your email?

You should be able to DM one of the admins on the forum to help you switch emails if you can’t access your current one.
My email is Disabled for some reason and I can't access any of my emails either.
My instagram , Genshin account , WOrstgen. fuck reddit.
Becuz every single of them ask for some sort of Verification code to even login.
My email is Disabled for some reason and I can't access any of my emails either.
My instagram , Genshin account , WOrstgen. fuck reddit.
Becuz every single of them ask for some sort of Verification code to even login.
That’s weird. That shouldn’t be automatically enabled…

DM one of the admins, then. They should be able to help you.
Maybe I am just presenting this in a weird way, so let's try this.

Lunarian DNA makes it so King's skin is extremely hard to cut through.

Wapol Metal sits UNDER the skin.

Reinforcing a Seraphim with Wapol Metal would make it so that in the off chance someone has the potency to make it through the Seraphims skin, even if slightly, the Wapol Metal would stop the attack completely.

So when Zoro slightly cut King, and made him bleed, even though his defenses were up, if King had Wapol Metal under his skin, he wouldn't have bled at all.

The Lunarian DNA would have stopped the bulk of the attack, and the Wapol Metal would provided extra protection to stop the rest of it.

It's two layers of defense before you get to the blood and bones.

So for example, say a mountain level attack hits the skin and breaks it, by the time it hits the Wapol Metal its only house level. Without the Wapol Metal, there is potential for much greater injury.
Yeah we are on the same page with how it works, where we disagree is how relevant having wapol metal under the Lunarian skin is.
They are tiers and tiers apart that it makes as much difference as Luffy wearing a shirt. Yes in a extremely specific situation where the attack is perfectly = to the Lunarian durability/Luffy's durability the wapol metal/t shirt will make a difference but 99.9999% of the time it won't
Pissed Sanji with his fire kick did 0 damage to the Seraphim. Not even a little burned mark.

I expected bad thing but it is still even worse than what I thought.
Sanji didn't need enma armament and adcoq to damage someone superior to king he did it with a base move while LORO almost died
Meh the Troll thing is just because sum sanji fans claimed that he can defeat Seraphim lowdiff or sum
me personally wouldn't think about that
Trolling is bound to happen

Every fanbase has been on receiving end once in a while - luffy, Zoro, Admirals, yonkous, sanji. You name it.

What matters is if you troll others then be ready to be on the receiving end of the trolling when your time comes without resorting to personal insults or threatening others.

And, if you aren't ready to face trolling then better don't resort to it.
games the game I understand

I just dont see a reason to join lol.
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