Did Sanji break his leg this chapter?

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Again that doesn't make them robots. With the pacifista themselves it was shown straight away they are robots.
If zoro cuts a Seraphim will it bleed or be tech inside like kuma
Will be tech because they are pacifista, aka robots.

That conclusion doesn't even make any sense. What they use for defense is the Lunarian defense, so it just means they haven't checked how a non-fully-grown Lunarian defense works against the lasers.
What doesn't make sense is assuming the lunarian qualities need time to mature. Serahawk and Seracock were kids too yet were dispatched on an official mission. What kind of growing up are we talking about here? Jimbo already controls his fire and uses his fruit decently. Seraphim are not pure lunarian DNA but a complex machine with various tech regardless wether their lunarian DNA is the dominant one or not.

The lunarian traits are already activated from what we saw, but he's still not immune to lasers.
Oh. I thought that thing about Sanji breaking his leg came from Redon.

In that case, it should only be restricted to trusted sources. We go through this every week and Twitter is full of wannabe provider clout chasers :josad:
Got it eitherway admin himself violated to many rules. This place is literally like pirate island

I really dont think there is actually centre of authority. I really want to enjoy my experience but same old shit happens

Eitherway i wont like to dampen others enjoyment . I ll end it .
  1. sanji was nerfed because of the boots
  2. he used an unnamed diable jambe attack
  3. the seraphim jinbe got brused and was sent off flying

it wasn't a fight sanji just attacked him with a kick just like how he attacked luffy at wci
The first one I should say it's not confirmed or even false. If you're talking about the gravity thing, Vegapunk 01 used his "control" after Sanji attacked, at least that's what I realized from the spoiler.
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