Who's the smartest genius (no cheat codes allowed)?

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The amount of yes men that surrounds Oda is nonsense. His fanbase enables him too. I remember Naurto fanbase was getting shit on nonstop during the FGNW. Oda even admitted in one of his interviews that he didn't like Kishi because Kishi was doing better in international sales than him but then he realized Kishi was a nice guy so it was hard for him to not like kishi so they became friends lmao. At least Oda was honest lmao.
I really wanna hear your arguments as to how one piece postTS can even lick Naruto shippuden boots.

Shippuden has some of most exciting and well written moments in shonen. There were even good arcs. Characters were actually developing. World building was even better with all of villages and their relationships and how they were fighting the great ninja war in the rain village and that created Pain.

Meanwhile, one piece postTS barely has anything iconic. Not a single rewatchable scene.
Characters? All turned into gags.
World Building? Surface level "this island is japanese", "this is island is Spain" "this island is candy"
One Piece is universally considered the most rewatchable and memorable series with multiple people fighting over which arcs they love while most Naruto post time skip praise is usually contained to Jiraiya, Pain, Itachi, occasionally Killer Bee and some end war highlights while there's huge amount of forgotten trash all over the place with Orochimaru's endless presence that nobody cares for, Danzo who overstays his welcome and hardly anyone cares about beyond powerlevel talks and most of Sasuke's non Itachi related journey and his squad.
The amount of yes men that surrounds Oda is nonsense. His fanbase enables him too. I remember Naurto fanbase was shitting on Kishi nonstop during the FGNW. Oda even admitted in one of his interviews that he didn't like Kishi because Kishi was doing better in international sales than him but then he realized Kishi was a nice guy so it was hard for him to not like kishi so they became friends lmao. At least Oda was honest lmao.
Naruto fanbase wanks Naruto to no end in Japan and it's the only demographic that count, stop with your bs, kishimoto never faced criticism and it's why this shit show happened:risicheck:
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