Who's the smartest genius (no cheat codes allowed)?

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(☝◞‸◟)☞ 𝚂𝚒𝚖𝚙
Oda just going for all the fan theories that were pushed aside as "trash" huh? Like, the pink dragon being a failure because of its color was a damn joke theory... And now it's true. What's next? Croco mom? ZKK? Mythical fiery bird? Or even the damn Denies Lobby theory by Ohara the faker? :goatasure:
Mythical fiery bird is just marco tho??? unless the theory is marco dies and sanji gets his fruit
You can call me a zorotard of whatever you want but zoro defeating kaido is peak, his goal is literally to be the very strongest. When I write something I always think about what my characters will think of it. In my point of view, Luffy would probably kick everyone of the crew because they are not who they were before anymore:endthis:
When I think about the strongest I don't think of a fucking gimmick fight with shiliew, if it happens I might as well hop off the series because this is all around garbage:endthis:
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