Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1069 Spoilers Discussion

Who will fight Kizaru ?

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What....no arc has featured Admirals as true arc villains. Marineford was a showcase for many characters. Sabaody is a transition arc. This is a pretty asinine statement.

How do i not understand his writing lmao? I literally predicted this arc 2 years ago with with Vegapunk, Kuma, Sentoumaru and Kizaru all being featured. I made a thread this year talking about this EXACT content.

Apparently I dont understand his writing but an Admiral thats not like Fujitor is going to uncharacteristically let Luffy and crew go. My god it's fucking Wano all over again.

The issue isn't Vegapunk, it's Vegapunk leaving with Luffy. Sentoumaru likely does not know Luffy is here and Vegapunks intent to abandon the Marines. You understand?


How is Kizaru showing up and being the possible villain of Egghead a fanfic, but Zoro vs Kizaru with Kizaru letting the crew go for no reason is "likely"?

This forum is reminding me why I barely post anymore

If the SH do get away without beating\ fighting Kizaru , Oda can use tech as a excuse to why they escape .
If steam and cloud hair are the signifiers of awakened zoans, then that means Kaido and Yamato were awakened the entire time
Kaido doesn't have any clouds around his hybrid form in Geat 5 fashion. Yamato, maybe if it's not because of her ice powers, otherwise she doesn't apply environmental like powers like Luffy does, being mythical zoan.

Not convinced yet.
Why are people assuming shit and hyping their fabs based on assump.....

I am on worst gen.

Anyway, the impel down jailors are probably people who can't control their dfs, the cloud thing(if true) is probably linked to control.

Oda could make a dozen explainations.
Pretty much could go either way, if there was a One Piece Kai anime and they added that to the jailers it would be neat for consistency but like you say it can be ignored with any given explanation like mindless beast aren't ''fully'' awakened or whatever.

CoC: Color of Clowns

DNA are the Flowers of the Soul
Nami is the child of Celestial Dragons who was imprisoned by a Fishman, who mimicked the CDs by taking humans as slaves and calling them inferior to Fishmen.

This is foreshadowed by her being connected to royalty (is close with multiple princesses, while also sharing their faces, almost as if they're all related going way way back), being lauded for her beauty, her obsession with money and thievery (the CDs are greedy thieves), and being seen as the Pirate King, Luffy's, right hand woman, standing beside him to take down a fake God, Enel.

Skypiea is a real god (Luffy) and a fake god who is royalty (Nami) defeating a fake God who reigns destruction down from above (Enel foreshadowing Imu).

So, let's look at the Celestial Dragons. Do any of them resemble Nami? Bingo, this crazy racist chick right here:

I've thought Nami would rescue Arlong from the CD's for a while, but this works perfect.

Just like Sanji was kidnapped by Royalty he despised, the Germa, after having his backstory hidden, Nami will be kidnapped by the WG and declared a Celestial Dragon. This will lead to Nami meeting Arlong, who is enslaved by her evil sister, Shalria (fuck this lady, when I tried to Image Search all I got was Shakira pics. Which, I mean, damn, Shakira is sexy and awesome, but, that's NOT what I was looking for).

The Celestial Dragons have actually been shown to care about each other significantly. Once Shalria realizes Arlong enslaved Nami, she'll give Arlong to Nami as her own personal Fishman slave. Except, Nami will try to free him, or at least take care of him, rather than abuse him.

Alrong being protected by the Celestial Dragon, a girl he abused and enslaved, will make him realize that Otohime was right: humans can be good. Even a Celestial Dragon can choose to be a good person, and reject all the power in the world, to help a slave, just for the sake of helping someone.

Nami will become Queen of the World once Imu, her mother/great great great great etc. grandma, is defeated, while Luffy will "rule" the oceans as King of the Pirates.
Of course, how they use their abilities will be specific to the users. The basic principle is, they're gonna get environmental control. I mean, turning buildings into light won't do anything for Kizaru, or making ice fists appear out of thin air would barely accomplish anything for Kuzan. They'd obviously use techniques that are more appropriate to the nature of their elements. I am not suggesting they're gonna fight exactly like Katakuri or Doffy. I am only saying their awakenings will follow a similar route because they're all producer types.
To me such Awakening for a Logia would be damn near barely noticeable. It just doesn't add much at all.

- A Zoan awakening completely puts the user on a different level compared to before.
- A paramecia user turns their surroundings into the same ability and basically just increase their AoE.

A Top Tier Logia user like Kuzan can already cover an entire island into his element. Don't see how fighting like Doffy or Kata would benefit him cause when their awakenings are similar there's not really another way to fight for him.
Wat? Completely unrelated conclusion.
Just talking shit.
@EtenBoby Please confirm this in the name of Sakura haters.
I think Eten is more and more growing into a member of the holy Sakura cult.
Of course, how they use their abilities will be specific to the users. The basic principle is, they're gonna get environmental control. I mean, turning buildings into light won't do anything for Kizaru, or making ice fists appear out of thin air would barely accomplish anything for Kuzan. They'd obviously use techniques that are more appropriate to the nature of their elements. I am not suggesting they're gonna fight exactly like Katakuri or Doffy. I am only saying their awakenings will follow a similar route because they're all producer types.
why try to compare in the first place? They all have different fruit types if you count katakuri as a special para that acts like a logia. Kuzan is the definition on a logia. And doffy is a regular paramecia. At most only 2/3 should awaken like each other
When you don't know wtf you are doing

"He looks like regular hybrid with cloud aura like gear 5’s, except it’s black, his hair looks like the clouds too"
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