Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1069 Spoilers Discussion

Who will fight Kizaru ?

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If the SHs fight against the Seraphim.

Then maybe it will Zoro or Zoro and Brook vs S-Hawk, Jinbe and Sanji vs S-Shark, Nami and Robin vs S-Snake, and Franky or Franky, Usopp, and Chopper vs S-Bear.
It's more like maybe zoro and brook vs marine if kizaru arrive at egghead and luffy will take several seraphims to fight against him.

Or cp0 just retreat after getting the authority of seraphim, kaku and stussy convinced lucci

Sir Tuna Sandwich II

SII - Sakazuki Incinerate Imu
And again...so the fuck what. Liking someone doesn't mean shit if you are forced to fight against them. Fuji is still an Admiral and could still be forced to stop Luffy's crew based on his Admiral role.
Fujitora refused to fight Goofy his idol
He even cleared the anti-SH fleet for Goofy his idol
Fujitora will never be a serious threat to his idol Goofy
I bet he Nika worshipper
No disrespect Luffy will be No1 by the end he is MC, but Zoro will not fight Admiral as his final opponent or Shiriyu maybe Mihawk but i don't think Oda is going that direction, as well, more & more i think IM & Gorosei are final opponents. I don't even think Luffy will fight against Akainu in any serious long way, that is a final battle for Sabo.
we will see.
Well now you are saying stuff I can get behind.
The problem there is admiral have been stated being the strongest in the wg this include the gorosei .
But not IMU since no one know about his existence .
But IMu never was shown as a fighter .
If gorosei realy are that strong wich I realy doubt then we can fight admirals and gorosei after Kid and Law if they are alive will join us and defeat the strongest member of the gorosei when luffy deal with IMU but nothing is sure there .
IM sure Oda have huge plan for Kid and Law especially Kid because law do ahve a lot of death flag but he might kill himself to kill IMU or remove Imu immortality .

I don't see them not being part of the final war except if law is dead .
Theya re just show way too important in wano saga to not have them in the final war.
And by portrayal they should fight a foe at the same caliber or a caliber realy close then the one of luffy .

Being basically like a Roger WB and shiki aliance to take down the WG but new version and generation of them
To my people that wear glasses and reading on mobile devices:

“Little summary of the chapter by myself (Redon/PirateKing)

Chapter 1,069: "Everything exists for a reason"

In the cover, we see a ship in a flashback. It is "MADS Research Center" and it's financed by the "God of Fortune Du Feld (also knows as the "Loan Shark King" and one of Big Mom's Tea Party guest in Whole Cake Island arc).

Chapter starts with Lucci trying to attack Luffy. Kaku and Stussy stops Lucci saying they need to get permission from Marine to fight a Yonkou, becouse any fight can lead to a war. Luffy sees Atlas heavily damaged, so he attacks Lucci first.

Cut to Akainu in Marine HQ, he asks where Kizaru is. A Marine reports that Kizaru is already left for Egghead Island.

Back to Egghead Island, Luffy and Lucci fights. Luffy uses Gear 5th and Lucci uses his awakened form. Lucci awekened form is very similar to his slender hybrid form. Lucci's black furs looks now like black flames/clouds. He has too black clouds of steam floating around his neck (similar to Luffy's in Gear 4th Gear 5th).

Sentoumaru appears with S-Snake, S-Hawk and S-Shark. Seraphim cannot be commanded using Den Den Mushi, so Sentoumaru must be there with them to give orders. The "level of authority" to command Seraphim is: Gorousei -> Vegapunk -> Sentoumaru -> Anyone that holds the "command chip" (CPO has it now).

Sentoumaru orders S-Bear to attack CP. Jinbe and Chopper run carrying Bonney, they cross paths with Seraphim. Jibe is in shock when he sees S-Shark. Kaku and Stussy are busy avoiding S- Bear attacks, they don't want to fight back and damage Seraphim.
Nami's group are watching what happens in the monitors. They are astonished to see Luffy's Gear 5th. Real Vegapunk appears before them, Franky's eyes turn into hearts when he discovers that this old man is the real Vegapunk.

Vegapunk asks Straw Hat crew what Luffy's new form is. Nami replies they don't know either but she thinks it should be a new "Comu Gomu no Mi" power.

Vegapunk says "Comu Gomu no Mi" has never been recorded in the ancient "Akuma no Mi Encyclopedia".
Vegapunk says Luffy's new form looks like Nika, a god that can only be found in ancient texts. Vegapunk says maybe Nika's name has been erased from history, but as long as people continue wishing for him, Nika's existence will never disappear.

Vegapunk continue saying that everything on Earth is born out of people's wishes, and the same goes for Akuma no Mi as well. Akuma no Mi are a possiblity of human evolution that someone wishes for. Each ability represents someone's wish of what they can become.

Since those wishes are so unnatural, they are hated by the sea, which is the "Mother of Nature". That's why Akuma no Mi's weakness is seawater. All ability users who bear that curse, are basically living in the future that someone once wished for. Nami and the Straw Hat crew are stunned.

Real Vegapunk: "Isn't this world so much fun?"
Cut to Luffy Vs. Lucci again, they clash. Luffy is smiling and laughing all the time, he's jumping around having fun while he avoids Lucci's attacks. Luffy uses a new attack called "Gomu Gomu no Mogura" (Gum-Gum Mole). He turns the floor into a fist that punches Lucci's stomach, making him cough blood and blown him away.

Luffy stops when he sees Sentoumaru. Luffy greets Sentoumaru and talks friendly with him while he's bouncing around. Sentoumaru was picked up by Vegapunk and he was liberated from his life of poverty, so he owe Vegapunk a great debt. That's why Sentoumaru choose to fight against CPO.
Sentoumaru asks Luffy for something.

Sentoumaru: "Straw Hat, please take Vegapunk away with you!!"

Lucci recovers while Luffy and Sentoumaru are talking. Lucci uses "Soru" to charge fiercely and attacks Sentoumaru with "Shugan" (Hand Pistol). Sentoumaru is badly hurt.

Lucci: "All we need to do is elimnate the commander. Seraphim, obey our commands!!"
Luffy is shocked and angry.

Luffy: "Axe guy!!"

End of the chapter, break next week.”
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