Controversial Alot of leftist belief is inherently racist

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I think having this idea that black people are oppressed and unable to help themselves so they need things like affrimtive action to make them more successful is inherently racist as it presumes they cant do it on their own on the basis of their skin color.

It's such a white savior complex that these liberals tend to have, It's really apparent too cause they call people who conservative and black things like coon and not a real black man because to these people, your skin color aint just your melanin count or your genetics but rather your sociological or cultural beliefs which if aint already obivous is quite racist

And the funny thing, despite right wingers being seen as the racist
Do you know who calls jesse lee peterson racial slurs? That's right it's mostly left wingers

And another thing too, the left will often make comments about using groups as political tools when that's their entire platform
They appeal to lgbt,blm and feminism
Being oppressed =////= being unable to help themselves

The term "oppression" is the description of a situation. It's not a bypass to say "I can't do anything".

When a person says "Black are oppressed systematically" that is the description of a real and factual situation. Black people are indeed under oppression of a system which creates discrimination based on their skin colors and that in multiple societies. That's just a fact.

Does it mean that black people can't do shit about that ? No. So you are completely missunderstanding the term here. When a leftist (often racialized people) says for example "black people are oppressed", it's meant to make people like YOU understand that this situation is a fact, it's not meant to patronize anyone, it's a DESCRIPTION of a situation.

And oh boi do we need to keep repeating those facts because you guys don't seems to understand them.

Also, it's seems like we have a pattern with you:

Mysogyny, sexism, confusionism.. You are not heading in the right direction mate.. Careful.
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What does this mean

I want your input on this matter:
I think having this idea that black people are oppressed and unable to help themselves so they need things like affrimtive action to make them more successful is inherently racist as it presumes they cant do it on their own on the basis of their skin color.

It's such a white savior complex that these liberals tend to have, It's really apparent too cause they call people who conservative and black things like coon and not a real black man because to these people, your skin color aint just your melanin count or your genetics but rather your sociological or cultural beliefs which if aint already obivous is quite racist

And the funny thing, despite right wingers being seen as the racist
Do you know who calls jesse lee peterson racial slurs? That's right it's mostly left wingers

And another thing too, the left will often make comments about using groups as political tools when that's their entire platform
They appeal to lgbt,blm and feminism
I think having this idea that black people are oppressed and unable to help themselves so they need things like affrimtive action to make them more successful is inherently racist as it presumes they cant do it on their own on the basis of their skin color.

It's such a white savior complex that these liberals tend to have, It's really apparent too cause they call people who conservative and black things like coon and not a real black man because to these people, your skin color aint just your melanin count or your genetics but rather your sociological or cultural beliefs which if aint already obivous is quite racist

And the funny thing, despite right wingers being seen as the racist
Do you know who calls jesse lee peterson racial slurs? That's right it's mostly left wingers

And another thing too, the left will often make comments about using groups as political tools when that's their entire platform
They appeal to lgbt,blm and feminism
I am a firm believer in self reflection as a black man. I understand that we need to correct our cultural issues.
But saying we are racist because we ask for affirmative action is ludicrous.

We ask for affirmative action because we are disadvantaged from the moment we are born. Our parents lack the education to teach us proper financial literacy because our school systems don’t teach it and they have to rely on their parents to teach them whose parents were slaves. That’s a disadvantage.
We have a lack of representation in executive positions in the work place therefore its harder for us to break into executive positions.
We have a lack of representation is politics.
I can go on and on.

But this is the reason that I voluntarily teach financial literacy to high schoolers (of all nationalities in the inner city).

You can critique the black community but don’t act like the system isn’t racist. I don’t have a problem with white people because I wasn’t a slave but you have to recognize that black people are oppressed.
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What does this mean

I want your input on this matter:
"Confusionism" is a conscious or unconscious political strategy. That strategy is based on the creation of "confusion" about a certain topic or idea or political viewpoint or political side. The goal is simple: by creating confusion, you can create reject and missinformation.

You can do that by a number of way:

- Create moral panics
- Using militant rethoric and sucking all the meaning out of this rethoric (what bob did with the words oppression here) and turning it against the previous user

Mainly, confusionism is a rightwing strategy to appeal to "apolitical" individuals.

Note that "apolitical viewpoint" =/= neutral viewpoint. "Apolitical" is the inexistence of political viewpoint and that is a political viewpoint in a world where oppressions exist. And that is a behavior that only favor the right wing in a capitalist society.

So you can see how dangerous a confusionist behavior is for the society.
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buying into your assumptions strongly is foolish. Learn that the hard way against a seasoned data scientist. I wonder how would the direction of the conversation go in a more statistical environment....
We ask for affirmative action because we are disadvantaged from the moment we are born. Our parents lack the education to teach us proper financial literacy because our school systems don’t teach it

It's not a black people issue
if it's as a result of the school systems not teaching it as the choice would effect everyone not just 1 race

This is just your own logic here

We ask for affirmative action because we are disadvantaged from the moment we are born
that can happen to anyone
born in poor family or neighborhood can mean less chances for employment

There's more poor white dudes then poor black dudes, Why no affirmative action for poor white families if your logic would be disadvantaged from birth = needs affirmative action

We have a lack of representation in executive positions in the work place therefore its harder for us to break into executive positions.
that's a social class thing not a racial thing
Again 100s of thousands low income class white people with the same exact situation

Pretty much any black issue you cite is not even an issue for black people, it's a issue for poor people

It's why tiger woods,mike tyson,shaquille and 50 cent among other rich black men face none of these issues as it's not a race issue, it's a class issue

When a person says "Black are oppressed systematically" that is the description of a real and factual situation.
It's not true
All don could cite was class issues which were equally applicable to white people of the same income bracket or slightly higher ie middle class

"Confusionnism" is a conscious or unconscious political strategy. That strategy is based on the creation of "confusion" about a certain topic or idea or political viewpoint or political side. The goal is simple: by creating confusion, you can create reject and missinformation.
Nothing said was misinformation
Everything said was true, Black people are seen as lesser people so they need affirmative action as they suck too much to do anything on their own

And if im wrong about liberals having that viewpoint then why deny the class siltation and make it entirely racial almost like there's some racism there just like sexism people on the left have about women being weak and oppressed so they need the white man savior to help out
It's not a black people issue
if it's as a result of the school systems not teaching it as the choice would effect everyone not just 1 race

This is just your own logic here

that can happen to anyone
born in poor family or neighborhood can mean less chances for employment

There's more poor white dudes then poor black dudes, Why no affirmative action for poor white families if your logic would be disadvantaged from birth = needs affirmative action

that's a social class thing not a racial thing
Again 100s of thousands low income class white people with the same exact situation

Pretty much any black issue you cite is not even an issue for black people, it's a issue for poor people

It's why tiger woods,mike tyson,shaquille and 50 cent among other rich black men face none of these issues as it's not a race issue, it's a class issue

It's not true
All don could cite was class issues which were equally applicable to white people of the same income bracket or slightly higher ie middle class

Nothing said was misinformation
Everything said was true, Black people are seen as lesser people so they need affirmative action as they suck too much to do anything on their own

And if im wrong about liberals having that viewpoint then why deny the class siltation and make it entirely racial almost like there's some racism there just like sexism people on the left have about women being weak and oppressed so they need the white man savior to help out
You're generalizing what people are thinking. There is no bases except your own bubble for this conclusion which insunate you might be mildly racist. Nobody want to do the hard work to figure out what is what(except highly paid statistician that works for banks to maximize picking people who will yeild the most profit). Watching what questions a man askes is a great predictor for their mindset. I will not continue this conversation
It's not a black people issue
if it's as a result of the school systems not teaching it as the choice would effect everyone not just 1 race

This is just your own logic here

that can happen to anyone
born in poor family or neighborhood can mean less chances for employment

There's more poor white dudes then poor black dudes, Why no affirmative action for poor white families if your logic would be disadvantaged from birth = needs affirmative action

that's a social class thing not a racial thing
Again 100s of thousands low income class white people with the same exact situation

Pretty much any black issue you cite is not even an issue for black people, it's a issue for poor people

It's why tiger woods,mike tyson,shaquille and 50 cent among other rich black men face none of these issues as it's not a race issue, it's a class issue

It's not true
All don could cite was class issues which were equally applicable to white people of the same income bracket or slightly higher ie middle class

Nothing said was misinformation
Everything said was true, Black people are seen as lesser people so they need affirmative action as they suck too much to do anything on their own

And if im wrong about liberals having that viewpoint then why deny the class siltation and make it entirely racial almost like there's some racism there just like sexism people on the left have about women being weak and oppressed so they need the white man savior to help out
You do realized that America was built on the backs of slaves. If your people had 400 years of free labor to build an empire how is that not giving you an advantage.

Imagine running a 2 mile race and your opponent gets a 1.5 mile head start. It’s going to take time to catch ups and some people won’t.

Systematic racism is real I gave you one example but there are many. I won’t rant though to each it’s own.


Survivors Guilt
think having this idea that black people are oppressed and unable to help themselves so they need things like affrimtive action to make them more successful is inherently racist as it presumes they cant do it on their own on the basis of their skin color.
The employment percentage for those with a bachelor's or higher degree was higher for White young adults (88 percent) than young adults who were Black (87 percent), Hispanic (84 percent), of Two or more races (84 percent), American Indian/Alaska Native (82 percent), and Asian (78 percent).

It's such a white savior complex that these liberals tend to have, It's really apparent too cause they call people who conservative and black things like coon and not a real black man because to these people, your skin color aint just your melanin count or your genetics but rather your sociological or cultural beliefs which if aint already obivous is quite racist
Or some black people being called Coons are because of their obviously borderline anti-black rhetoric they articulate on an almost daily basis
You do realized that America was built on the backs of slaves.

America existed before slavery in america did
and slavery has been done in america for years now, it's no longer any factor in how black americans lived as not even the great grandparents of black zoomers have experienced slavery

If your people had 400 years of free labor to build an empire how is that not giving you an advantage.

It's not my people
I am not representive of every single person of european descent just as your not representive of every single person of african descent

And no the amount of years family can work is not any factor in the amount of wealth they have
if so was the case, 1 percent would be poor not one percent of population rich

400 years of free labor and yet most people who are homeless are white

Systematic racism is real I gave you one example but there are many. I won’t rant though to each it’s own.

Most of what you mentioned was nether systematic nor based on race
knowing people in high executive positions and being disadvantaged from birth as examples
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