Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1071 Spoiler Summaries and Images

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|One Piece Chapter 1071 Spoiler Summaries and Images|

This thread is for posting "One Piece Chapter 1071 Spoiler Summaries and Images". Please use the thread "One Piece Chapter 1071 Spoilers Discussions" for discussing the spoilers.

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DISCLAIMER: WorstGen does not create or take part in the creation of these spoilers. The spoilers are found on sources on the internet (open information) and are posted here for discussion.
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Yeah, there is a break next week again, this is a WSJ break too, so we can get spoilers few days early like this.
(1072, Official Release 23rd January)

No WSJ break for a while after this one. Unless something unexpected happens no Oda break for a few chapters too.
Starting from the official release of 1072nd chapter, spoilers and chapters will come out at the same rate as always.

Also for anyone asking, spoilers confirmed by Redon and Etenboby.
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Bald Spoiler Provider
Just spoke to the mods and we all agreed to make new rules for the summaries thread.

No more reposting the same spoilers in any shape or form.

First person to post the spoilers is the final person.

For example @T.D.A think he is slick every week he post the same spoiler but add in some random chinese letter or link to a website to act like it is more professional.

This is no longer allowed starting next chapter.

Thank you four your understooding have a great date

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Some translation
Zoro:-who is hindering my sleep?
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Stussy:-what is that vegapunk doing in a time like this?
Kaku:-is that straw hats ship?? Wow there is also a robot there.
Lucci:-"they shouldn't have left it there"
Break it down
Kaku:-"leave it to me"
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New world" A certain sea
Hey aren’t the fishes strangely huge in this area?!
Killer:-hey kidd, get up we have reached an island. Do we land?
Kid: why do you even ask, at this point is there any island that can scare us?
Killer:-it's elbaf.
kid:- Elbaf..!!
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Sorry it's my first time in translation, there can be little mistakes.
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"Is it a pirate??
-No it's vice admiral garp's ship
Helmeppo:-coby... Coby was
Helmeppo:-i couldn't do anything
Garp:-" Why are you looking like drowning in tears, how unsightly.
Garp:-"come on let's go, beat up those pirates and take coby back
Helmeppo:-"v.vv.. Vice admiral garp....
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