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My ability will limit indigo this cycle, if he is what he claims he is non hostile he has nothing to worry about. He will get his ability back next cycle, theirs actually no reason to panic but knowing flower she has a plan and 7 back up plans to craft an item to exit the game with herself and indigo
I was going to make cheap invests for town

invests to find scum, i could make them 100 berries or some shit

and you stopped that btw
Why thirty percent? What an arbitrary number.

If you were confident Ekko was scum D1, why did you vote Ratchet D2 and say with confidence that he is scum?
I never voted Ratchet d2, im second on ekkos waggon, stop looking only at Flowas comments.
I do have a sus on Ratchet tho, and this will last till he is cleared, my priorities rn are EKKO, Flower/Indigo, in this order.
As for the percent, there are almost 2 times more town players than mafia, rayan is now in the null category with only 10 posts
, and that's how it should be for everyone (unless someone has results on him), so 30% is an ok percentage for him to be mafia.

Caught up and have some quick thoughts

Naomi and Ekko

Vote Lynch Ekkologix

Naomi is now a comfortable town read after catching Ekko, I do hope he enters the thread again though so we can squeeze em some more. In any case I knew I had good vibes about Naomi when she posted that rabbit gif

Coach and Indigo

I've been on both sides of a vouch before so I can see this being legit, at least on Coach's side. The only part I'm feeling uneasy about is regards to Indigo and his inconsistent claims. Looking back at some stuff he did say early on that he couldn't do anything to anybody (Post 935) and now he's a GA indie with the ability to mason a player, wincon to make an op sword and give it to someone, and can create abilities to sell in his shop. The vibes have felt really off for me.


on that he couldn't do anything to anybody
I still can't, i never lied

i can't choose a person and do something to that person

i can't kill, i can't roleblock, role crush, invest, i can't choose who uses my shop, i can't do anything to a person, even if i wanted to

i can only change my shop

choosing a person as my favorite customer also doesn't do anything to that person, she still the same alignment, she wins the same way
I never voted Ratchet d2, im second on ekkos waggon, stop looking only at Flowas comments.
I do have a sus on Ratchet tho, and this will last till he is cleared, my priorities rn are EKKO, Flower/Indigo, in this order.
As for the percent, there are almost 2 times more town players than mafia, rayan is now in the null category with only 10 posts
, and that's how it should be for everyone (unless someone has results on him), so 30% is an ok percentage for him to be mafia.
Okay, what about other reads? It's easy to focus on those who are active and have some sort of claim.

Caught up and have some quick thoughts

Naomi and Ekko

Vote Lynch Ekkologix

Naomi is now a comfortable town read after catching Ekko, I do hope he enters the thread again though so we can squeeze em some more. In any case I knew I had good vibes about Naomi when she posted that rabbit gif

Coach and Indigo

I've been on both sides of a vouch before so I can see this being legit, at least on Coach's side. The only part I'm feeling uneasy about is regards to Indigo and his inconsistent claims. Looking back at some stuff he did say early on that he couldn't do anything to anybody (Post 935) and now he's a GA indie with the ability to mason a player, wincon to make an op sword and give it to someone, and can create abilities to sell in his shop. The vibes have felt really off for me.
What do you have outside these three?
People really need to develop their reads to more than just those that have some sort of claim. There are no hard takes here. No risks. Everyone is just pointing the finger at the same five people right now.

AL sama

Red Haired
This is how he plays when he is town also, but you do have around 30% chances to be right.
bruh I know the guy very well but yeah you never know with meta
Okay that is super vague. I town read you, Al, but I probably can't follow that meta for myself.

What are your reads this game?
yo tan wa



I don't have any impressions on others
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