you mean when vista was sweating trying as hard as possible to keep up with a guy yawning and paying attention to another fight a half mile away? when he "tested the distance" between him and whitebeard with an unnamed hakiless flying slash that whitebeard was still too weak to even block, and then realized whitebeard was just a pathetic old dying man and only hung around to watch the new era? when the war ended and everyone else left so he had nothing else to do there?
Not reading this paragraph of cope.

Mihawk equaling Vista is canon. Reality is harsh I’m afraid.


Magic Sword, Magic Swordsman, and Can Cut Anything
the end of admirals will be when luffy and zoro will fight agaisnt coby and helmeppo while captain mid, low and sanjino will fight agaisnt them:luffylaugh::luffylaugh::luffylaugh::luffylaugh::rolaugh::rolaugh::rolaugh::kailaugh::kailaugh::kailaugh: