Doesn't mean Law has stronger Haki for negating the ability of Chopper's opponent.
what are u slow? I already told u Someone with Zero Haki.
Better yet I’ll put it in legion terms so u can understand (
usopp opponent sugar) was portrayed as capable of beating Law/Luffy through hax on DR. Zero indication was ever suggested the opponent lvl has any relevance.
Legion made it up, hence the feat being attribute to a 3billion man, an never being implied possibly by non top tier….
Negating's Law's Hax is a MUCH better feat than negating the hax of Chopper's opponent.
Hope this helps.
No, only makes u seem dumber, since u already suggest Kimemon CoA> Law. There legit Zero indicates Law DF harder to counter then others. It’s all Haki related, u barely seem to grasp what ur arguing