Which character is stronger ?

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In a chapter that has Zoro beating down the giraffe. Instead of praising Zoro, you lot would rather chat shit about Luffy who was barely in the chap:suresure: I am guessing you lot didn't learn your lesson back in Wano:milaugh:
the only goofy fan here is saying retarded shit like this
Kaku was too much for Zoro anyway. Good thing Stussy saved Zoro. LOL.
Didn't actually think that's what you were doing wtf??? No one was judging you my man.
So, if I misunderstood... sorry. In recent days, I'm struggling to understand the irony of others. And I'm afraid it's karma that pays me back for the irony I used to do when I was younger...but believe me, I'm a very empathetic guy and I only come here to distract myself from real shitty life...and I don't want to offend anyone
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