Which character is stronger ?

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I will never forgive Oda
What the fuck is going? Am I supposed to rate Kaku highly only for him to get one shotted by Stussy?

Let me get this straight, Oda gave Kaku zoan awakening, made him clash with Zoro and take no damage, for a Stussy panel? Knowing Oda, Stussy is gonna amount to absolutely nothing...

But hey atleast we know why Kaku was brought back right? This is one of those moments which needs to be reassessed a few chapters down the line. If he gave Kaku awakening for a good one use cliffhanger that's just lol....
It's how Oda goes about hyping characters up.

Bring back Lucci & Kaku, give them the MC's big new power up and then have the newly introduced character take them down to establish some hierarchy. It's incredibly lazy writing and I've been hating it since Toriyama used it with Future Trunks.
MADS looks better with every cover-story update. Incredibly devious and maniacal looking. Queen's look in this one is probably my favourite from the guy. His current design is pretty exaggerated and his old look was too drastically different but this one's a nice fit. Pretty sure Caesar's age was changed in one of the additional materials so them doing all kinds of evil together for decades is a nice choice. Judge looks pretty good and fitting for an evil genius, scowling randomly in the last one wasn't all that but seeing them at their craft really shows off how they fit each other and the group.
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