Which character is stronger ?

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How's using a leopard's qualities over a giraffe to benefit Lucci not reaching while doing the same for Kaku considered reaching? Ever heard the word "hypocrisy"?
That‘s rich coming from you after stating Kaku’s fruit has more potential for having a higher physical boost.
Giraffes are inherently retarded, 1 lion is enough to pack a giraffe even though giraffes are much stronger. Not only do they have goofy bodies that are hard to maneuver around with, but the difference in speed is incalculable lol
Kaku is Lucci’s errand boy for a reason
So, instead of just having Zoro take Kaku out, he stops the fight by having Stussy put Kaku to sleep..... But don't worry, Zoro would have negged him. That's the message Oda was trying to send.
clearly Oda aint giving even a try for this fight cuz Zoro overpower with pure raw strenght an awake giraffe, but he used that opportunity to move on with the plot. :suresure:
>Post irrelevant meanings of the shock
So context doesn't matter? Clearly it's a more of a surprised reaction:kayneshrug:
It's exactly what the defintion says: a surprised reaction of inducing terror fear disgust etc. So I don't get yout argument. No one denied he was shocked. You are deny the reasoning as to why he was shocked when the word shock gives us a precise definition on how people become shocked lol
no it was his rokushiki prowess (mastering a secret technique) and his physical strength(doriki)
Kaku had similar level of rokushiki mastery which he displayed in ennies lobby if i recall correctly Kaku had no df when they measuring doriki. We know how immensely zoan boost physical stats
"the real prodigy caught up whatever small gap existed between them is gone"

the real prodigy?
i have a panel referring to lucci as that , none for kaku tho .
They manga shows otherwise looking at growth rate of Kaku he is the real prodigy
gap between them is gone.... based on?
Based on fact Kaku climbed all his way to the strongest cp only one aside from lucci from cp9 group
Honed his newly acquired df to the point of awakening it in just two years time something Lucci couldn't achieve until very recently.
its not hard to see why you lot get trolled
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