Which character is stronger ?

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Zoro Spoilers are usually True, Sanji spoilers are the ones that are exaggerated against him.
I mean the spoilers were true, Zoro overpowered Kaku. It’s just people took the word for overpowered to mean defeated.

Even the full summary just said Zoro knocked him to the ground.

So this is less the spoilers are exaggerated and more of the fanbase exaggerating them
This is by far the most useless argument at this point in the manga. Actions speak louder than words
Actually this is exactly not the case for OP. Feats and "actions" don't mean shit. They aren't consistent and Oda doesn't stress over making things look logical to satisfy any imaginary tier list.

Character statements mean much much more, always been the case.
Gomu gomu is not you average fruit.
Luffy had to "die" to awaken it.

Spot projecting the Idea that Kaku is more of a prodigy than Luffy, it makes you look dumb (no offense), Luffy is 19 and a literal Yonko.
Even Akainu advised Lucci to go against him.

The fact that people unironically think Kaku is more of a prodigy than Luffy simple because awakening are idiots, especially considereing Luffy's fruit wasn't awakened in 800 years.

Any decent fighter can awaken Kaku's fruit.
Kaku still awakened his fruit in 2 years. Luffy spent 10 years and ended up with shitty moves like Gomu Gomu no Baloon.

Actually, Kaku right after eating his DF, was already fighting against EL Zoro. Luffy 10 years after eating his DF jobbed to Crocodile twice and Lucci once.

The Yonko doesn't mean shit anymore, with Buggy being part of it. Not like everyone acknowledged him as Yonko neither.
Tda accidentally trolled Zoro bros so hard they can't recover from it.

They thought this chapter ends with a badass double spread ittoryu slash with Kaku's neck flying off his body but what they actually got is Kaku smiling in his face after taking Zoro's hardening infused attack with Stussy stealing the W.
Now Kaku is stronger than Lucci and has better talent than Luffy :milaugh:
Yeah, just like the statements like Moriah was a rival to Kaido.
Oh come on we obviously have to consider who is saying it.

- Killer who analysed Shanks and his army agrees that Kaido > Shanks, he's credible.
- Some fodder stating Prime Moria ~ Kaido without having seen the fight but only spreading rumours = not credible.
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