Which character is stronger ?

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You do know English correct? Again something that may happen is not the same as something DID happen. That's pretty damn simple
As in, Lucci saying he was knocked out is enough evidence. It's not something that may have happened. You are cherry-picking exactly what you want.

I can say the same about Kaido throwing Luffy off Onigashima. We didn't see a panel of him doing it, so why should we believe that he did?
Having Hardening means same haki? Yes they can both do hardening but unfortunately for you all hardening is not of the same strength. Jimbei and Who’s Who had hardening but clearly one was much better than the other, we know this from

And once again Same Techniques sure but the utilization of techniques is night and day.

If we go by your logic Everyone in CP9 was relative because they use Rokushiki.
You still don't get it.
You can't determine that one's hardening is stronger than the other unless there is a direct comparison. Therefore, at this moment, the only thing which is objective fact is that both have hardening. Claiming that Lucci has better haki is headcanon

Utilization of what technique. They have different fighting styles so they use their techniques to boost said fighting style. Lucci had his version of shigan and so does Kaku. Does Lucci have bigan? No so by logic Kaku would be better lol

Ahhh that's the thing though, my logic is that as we have it now, both characters have same tech, same haki and same awakening so claiming that one is two tiers above the other is headcanon
Leopards dont hunt giraffes mate, heck even lions dont dare hunt giraffes unless there is no food around and even then they go as the whole pride, around 15 of them just for 1 giraffe and they don't even target males since 1 kick from them can kill them
Doesn't matter. The predator > prey relationship exists in nature for a reason.

"Leopards, hyenas, and wild dogs are other predatory carnivores that are a serious threat to giraffes, especially for newborns or very young who do not have the height, size, strength and experience needed to defend themselves. Lions and leopards usually choke their prey by the throat and crocodiles perform their “twist of death” to kill them almost instantaneously, but hyenas and wild dogs usually begin to eat before the giraffe is dead."
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